Casket Boy part 3

Jul 17, 2014 23:52

Masterpost | Return to part 2 | Continue to part 4

The evening was losing any interest it might have presented earlier as the hours passed and it became clear that Jensen wouldn't show up this time. The disappointment Jared felt was a living pain in his chest, turning breathing into a labor, tears threatening to fall in the middle of the ballroom where, thankfully, no one else seemed to notice him.

It had been five days since he last saw Jensen, and Jared felt like running around the town and checking every island to find him, obeying this forceful pull that had him dreaming of his mate at night and yearning for his proximity all day.

It didn't help that he had had words with an omega for shaking Jensen's hand. The other man, who had been in Ismia for more than eight months, had berated him, probably jealous that such a gorgeous alpha had shown his interest in Jared, insinuating that Jensen wasn't addressing him as an equal but that he just didn't want to kiss his hand. Although Katie hadn't seen the hand-shaking, she had defended Jared fiercely when he had been too afraid it was the truth to reply.

"How come a beautiful boy like you is still alone ? Are all those alphas blind ?"

Jared turned towards the voice and recognized Lord Sheppard, standing a few feet away from him in another black-only outfit and the smug grin that seemed to be his default expression.

"I guess I'm not entertaining enough, my Lord. Or not appealing enough."

"Nonsense ! You're the most beautiful thing I see in this room, and the fact that you remain poised and discreet speaks highly of your good breeding. In other words, my dear, you're a catch and I'd mate you in a heartbeat if I wasn't already taken."

"You're too kind, but in fact I'm only interested in one alpha and it seems he wasn't able to make an appearance tonight."

Jared couldn't help taking a quick look at the whole ballroom in the hope that Jensen had arrived.

"Well this is his loss. Tell me his name and I'll have him there next time, you can be sure of it."

"I don't want to get him in trouble, my Lord. Forget my words, I wasn't thinking."

"Don't worry, I understand alphas can be stupid at times, or even too shy. I promise he's not in trouble."

"Thank you," Jared said, relieved.

For all he wanted to see Jensen, he knew forcing his hand would not help in the end.

"You're very welcome. I'll always be there to take care of you, lovely boy. If your alpha continues to prove stupid and forgetful, come to me."

Sheppard took Jared's hand and raised it to his lips for a lingering kiss.

Jared was stunned. He certainly hadn't seen the proposition coming. He wanted to take his hand back right now but didn't dare offending the most powerful man of the Islands. His touch felt slimy, disgusting just like the sailors' or One-Leg's had been.

"Intendant," a deep voice saluted Lord Sheppard next to Jared's right ear, "my respects".

His eyes met those of a tall alpha, a man well in his forties but still incredibly handsome and possessing a natural self-assurance that had Jared immediately envious.

"Commandant," Sheppard answered with a short nod, "allow me to introduce you to Jared Padalecki, one of the omegas freshly arrived from the mainland. Jared, this is Commandant Jeffrey Dean Morgan, the highest-ranking officer in the Islands. He is the most important person here, after me of course."

"His lordship is too kind," the commandant said, asking for Jared's hand, which had the good side-effect to force Sheppard into releasing it.

Jared smiled at the officer to convey his thanks. Maybe he was only going from the frying pan into the fire, but the commandant looked a lot more honest and trustworthy than the Intendant. And maybe it was the uniform, but he was also very alluring and his kiss on Jared's hand didn't feel oppressive.

"Jared, welcome to the Island. We're lucky to have people like you deciding to give us a chance, and I hope we'll do everything we can to make you feel at home."

"Thanks, Commandant. I like what I've seen so far, and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I find my place here."

"Please, call me Jeffrey. Here in these shindigs, I'm not a military man, just an alpha seeking the pleasure of a more-refined omega company. After a while, the soldiers' minds tend to seem very limited, even to someone like me who's spent his whole life at war around the world."

"Are we at war in the Islands, Commandant ?"

"Not at all," Morgan replied with a smile. "But the King wished for a military presence in the colony, and it was time for me to leave the exciting expeditions to younger alphas. I'm happier than ever that our sovereign thought of me for this mission when I see you."

Jared was at a loss for words. He had never had someone flirt with him so blatantly and so quickly before. Not even Jensen… no, better not to dwell on his alpha again tonight, the thought was too depressing. At least the alpha standing in front of him looked like he was having a great time, happy to be with him.

"And you haven't met the whole contingent yet," Sheppard interrupted. "Recruiters on the mainland have done a great job this time, as you will see. Jared, I was about to offer you a drink…"

"Then I shall accompany Jared to the bar while you answer to duty's call, my Lord. I came here as a messenger, your secretary is looking for you."

Sheppard frowned in annoyance, but the three men could see said secretary on the ballroom's threshold, waiting impatiently for his master. It could only mean a matter of importance needed Sheppard's attention at the very moment.

"Duty's indeed calling," Sheppard sighed, raising Jared's hand again to his lips for a last, goodbye kiss. "Until next time, my dear."

Jared and the commandant watched him disappear into a part of the palace Jared didn't know, his secretary close on his heels to give him a report. Then, with a satisfied smile, the commandant offered his arm to Jared and led him to the bar. Without consulting Jared, he asked the waiter for a glass of tinted water for the omega and a whiskey for himself. It told a lot already about the kind of alpha Jeffrey really was, used to giving orders and being obeyed. It was a common trait in an alpha's nature, enhanced by Morgan's rank, and the position he enjoyed in their community meant that it had only been made worse by all the sycophants looking to be in his good graces.

Still, Jared guessed it was better than Sheppard. The Intendant wouldn't have asked either, and he probably would have tried to get Jared drunk to take him to bed by the end of the ball.

The commandant led Jared away from the bar after the last taste of his whiskey.

"Now that we're refreshed, let's get better acquainted, without the Intendant to disturb our conversation. Then I hope you'll give me the pleasure of the next dance."

"What do you want to talk about ?"

"Tell me about your trip, or maybe your first impression of the Islands."

"The trip was quite awful, stuck in one room for more than two months with fifty other omegas. And my first impression of Ismia was to be attacked by two sailors, saved only by the intervention of alpha Ackles, who had the men disposed of in no time."

"Dear gods, I'm glad he was there for you. He's a good, caring man, I'm not surprised he came to your aid. So even if that first impression left a lot to be desired, at least you were saved by a local, while the attack came from outlanders."

"You're right, and I don't know how to repay my debt to him."

"I'm sure he doesn't see it as a debt, but rather as his duty as an alpha to help omegas and children in their times of need. Just like any military man would do."

Just then, the first notes of the next dance were heard above the noisy chatter of the room. Once again, the commandant didn't wait for Jared's reaction to take his hand and lead him to the dancing area.

Jared found himself closer than he wished to the domineering alpha. This dance was nothing like the ones Jensen and he had enjoyed, laughing all along like naughty teenagers in love. The commandant used this excuse for proximity as a way to touch and smell him that bordered on inappropriate but never crossed the line. Jared felt out of his depth, but not necessarily in a bad way.

One dance turned into two, then five. They exchanged very few words, the commandant's eyes on Jared as intense and inescapable as his hand on the small of Jared's back.

The orchestra took another break after a while and it was time again for a drink for Jared and his dancing partner. Another tinted water and a second whiskey later, the commandant proposed to Jared to show him the better view from the roof of the palace. They both needed a bit of fresh air after two hours in the overheated air of the ballroom, so Jared accepted.

The view was indeed stunning, the sun setting over the large expanse of the lake reflecting the rich colors of the trees. There was no such big pond in the city Jared came from, Tethreya was invaded by houses and huge buildings. Nature had been dwarfed by men there, but here it was back to the forefront and it felt right to him.

"Tell me something about yourself," Commandant Morgan interrupted his thoughts. "What brought you here, for example."

"I'm not very different than the other omegas on this account."

The commandant chuckled while he took Jared's hand in his again. He began to sweep his thumb over his palm in a soothing gesture that made all of Jared's internal alarms flare up.

"I guess, of course, that you wanted to marry, but maybe you're looking for something or someone special. Someone adventurous as well as stable and strong. Tell me, sweetheart."

"Sweetheart ? I'm not really into that kind of endearment, you know. I'm too old, or too tall, and really not your sweetheart."

"Very well. I'll try to keep from using the terms of endearment, for now. But it's only because you inspire them that I want to call you sweet names."

"Which means you really don't know me. I'm not sweet, and don't try to be."

"I'm only asking for the opportunity to know you better. I suggest a supper, the two of us without all the fuss going around here. I know this little, very good restaurant where they serve only Islands food. It would present you with a great opportunity to discover what a resourceful omega can create to feed their family with the local flora and fauna. What do you say ?"

He would have jumped on the offer if only Jensen had been the one inviting him. Now, his first idea was to refuse, to tell the doting commandant that he was not interested in him in the slightest and that he would not succumb to his seducing attempts.

But he hadn't come here to stay locked inside his room, waiting for love and a willing alpha to knock on his door. He wanted to have fun and gather wonderful memories to contemplate when he was old and alone. Going to a supper didn't mean that he had to agree to anything else.

"I say it's a great idea. When will you take me there ?"

"The regiment's leaving town tomorrow for a few days. We're doing reconnaissance in a few remote, virgin islands, but I'll send a note as soon as we're back. I promise we'll have a great time."

The commandant raised Jared's hand to his mouth, and although subtlety certainly wasn't the officer's middle name - virgin islands, of course - Jared couldn't help shivering when several kisses and a thick salt-and-pepper beard caressed his palm.

"Should I send beta Abel in, Commandant ? I can wake him up for you."

"No, not tonight. I'm going to sleep."

"Very well. Good night, Commandant."

"Good night, Captain. Oh, Richings, before I forget, I want you to reserve the best table at the Djindilo for me in two weeks' time."

"Which day exactly ?"

"Every one, in case we're back later than expected from the mission."

"Table for two, I presume ?"

"Absolutely. And I want the whole gamut : candles, music, aphrodisiac food… I'll bring my date back here after dinner, so have the mansion on very light guard duty that night. I will not be disturbed for any reason, is that clear ?"

"Yes, Commandant."

The smile on Richings' face indicated clearly what the man was thinking : his commanding officer had chosen his next one-night stand and he would suffer no interruption. Jeffrey didn't care to enlighten him, but the captain was wrong.

Jeffrey didn't need to go on a date to know that he had found his omega. The few moments spent together were enough to dispel any doubt.

Jared was not his true mate, that fact was well established in Jeffrey's mind, for he had met her when he was only sixteen. Passion had taken Jaime and him irresistibly and they had been happy for a few years. Then routine had settled, and although the sex was still phenomenal, Jeffrey had found himself more than happy to be able to leave time and again with his regiment. Jaime had brought up their many kids, until the alphas and betas were of age to think of a career and the omegas mated and pregnant, while Jeffrey sailed around the world, searching for new land to gain for his King and pretty omegas to bed for himself. Along the road, he had fathered quite a few children all around the known world. He had lived a charmed life, putting to good use his vast array of skills and taking what he wanted to increase his fortune and reputation. Jaime had died three years ago, exhausted by too many pregnancies, and though he had mourned her deeply, he was now more than ready to take a new mate. He had an alpha heir and a lot of potentials to replace her in case of untimely death, all omegas mated to well-born families, staunch allies who would never dare do anything to displease Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Alpha of the almighty Morgan clan.

But even protected by a morganatic marriage, a lot of people - and his own children before anyone else - would criticize Jeffrey's choice. Compared to a Morgan, Jared was simply nothing. An orphan, he had learned in the notes sent from the mainland, probably born of the union of a peasant and a whore, insufferable burden to people on the brink of mendicancy. But no one would ever come forward to speak this out loud in front of the commandant of the Islands, and marrying a Morgan would also shut everyone up definitely in front of Jared. Those who used to mock the boy would bow before him after their marriage. Jared would love that, a revenge against fate, the power cruel enough to put an omega in a frame better suited for an alpha.

No, Jared wouldn't be well-received at first by his family, but Jeffrey longed for a companion by his side, someone he could talk to and make passionate love to at night.

True, Jared was nothing, but he had a body to damn a saint, and a presence to enthrall a sinner. He was still young and impressionable, conveniently tractable - beyond his amusing attempts at independency - to Jeffrey's desires and habits. Jared's shyness gave away his need to be mastered, and it would be Jeffrey's pleasure to teach him how to obey his alpha, in their lives and in their bed. At the same time, Jared would challenge him. He had already dragged Jeffrey out of the constant boredom of his life with his dimpled smile and sharp answers. Jeffrey couldn't wait to slide his hands into the boy's mane, to bend him over the nearest table and knot him for hours, to tame him with his mastery in all things sex-related, to see love and admiration shine in his eyes.

Of course, the boy had seemed a bit hesitant to accept his invitation to dinner. Maybe it was their age difference, or their social status, both so far apart. Jeffrey knew how intimidating he could be to his new recruits, no wonder a young omega who had never previously met any officer could feel overwhelmed by his attentions.

Or maybe it was alpha Ackles.

Day after day, Jeffrey's mirror never forgot to tell him that he was still a very attractive man. Attractive enough that the alpha in him knew he could have garnered as many victories in love games and wars had he been born a beta, lacking only the drive to seduce. But unlike the heinous stepmother of the famous fairytale, asking day after day who's the most beautiful woman in her kingdom, Jeffrey was secure enough in his power of seduction to recognize when he was bested by another alpha.

Jeffrey had feared a heart attack the day he first saw Jensen Ackles. His heart had skipped a few too many beats at his sight. He was beauty made man, the temptation any alpha wants to succumb to, a walking dream. But Jensen Ackles was also the biggest disappointment of his life : this siren was an alpha. However beautiful Jensen might be, Jeffrey had to ruthlessly squash any lingering trace of desire he felt for him. Easier said than done, of course, and for all he would never admit it, he still suffered now and then the effects of the attraction exuded by this gorgeous man.

It was inconvenient but normal that Jared, young and sweet Jared, was susceptible to that pull too. Nothing to be concerned about : Ackles' love life, even considering the possibility of abnormal discretion - alphas loved nothing more than to boast about their sexual conquests - seemed all but inexistent. With such a beautiful man, it could only mean that Ackles was not interested in mating and avoided voluntarily any dangerous activity leading to that fate. Jared wouldn't find in him the partner he needed. It was best then to let him face the disappointment and draw his own conclusions. The omega would soon turn to Jeffrey, Jeffrey who would always be the better choice.

Many Islanders wouldn't understand the commandant's choice any more than his family. Jeffrey would remind those who dared voicing their questions that he had to lead by example. The King wanted the regiment to settle in the Islands, and there was no better way to achieve this goal than to have the men and women planting roots here as they settled with their own families. There were also plenty of omegas not quite interested in farming who would enjoy being mated to a soldier a lot more. As the commanding officer, Morgan had to encourage the alphas to do their duty for the country and show everyone that the omegas sent from the main country were not whores but mating material. Jared would help him in this again. His charming manners would endear him quickly to the regiment and lift any veil of impropriety or indecency cast upon the omegas.

There was no reason to delay. Jeffrey Dean Morgan would ask Jared Padalecki for his hand during their next date. And then he would proceed to ravish him.

Sleep wasn't on his mind anymore, he needed something to alleviate the tension that had built in him with the thought of his omega. Dressed in his uniform breeches only, Jeffrey walked to his personal assistant's room. Jake was always a good diversion in these times. Coming from a miserable background just like Jared, he hadn't been abandoned, but the Abels had died when their beta son was still very young and there was little he could do but to accept his fate. Jake was a hard worker ; in bed, always ready and willing, he didn't mind a whole lot of rough. Young and relatively fun for a beta, he should get on well with Jared.

After the wedding, Jeffrey would have to be more secretive for a while with his other affairs, but Jared would learn soon that an alpha has needs, and that it was best turning a blind eye. Jake would also be a good teaching experience for him eventually, before Jared would be fucked, every time Jeffrey wanted to play, by other betas and omegas.

"Come in, boy. Sit down, and remind me how to pronounce your name."

Jared did as he was told, going inside as the door was closed behind him by a valet. Heading for a chair in front of the mahogany desk, he felt impressed in spite of himself, by the Intendant as well as his exquisitely-furnished office.

"I am Jared Padalecki, my Lord," Jared answered. "Can I ask, what is the purpose of this interview ?"

"Nothing of grave importance, be at ease. As the Intendant of the province, I like to take the time to meet all my fellow citizens when they need me. I made it my mission especially to get to know the omegas willing to leave the comfort of the main country to emigrate to our rougher land. To be honest, I was the one who asked the king to send us the first o-contingent, and all the others after that, because I knew omegas were the only thing that could make this place sweeter and have the population settle once and for all. Now I aim to find the best way to get y'all o-boys and o-girls married and happy. So tell me, how has your stay unfolded so far ? Is Ismia everything you wished for ?"

"I'm still very much at the first impression stage, but it seems like a great city, very buoyant, and really promising."

The Intendant reached for a big folder on his desk, opened it and consulted a document. Jared only had time to decipher his name, written in an elegant cursive script on top of the sheet of paper.

"Commandant Morgan passed me a note to say you had been attacked upon your arrival."

Jared was surprised that such a trivial incident had been reported to the head of the Islands' government. Surely, he was far from the only one to suffer that kind of trouble. Mugging and rape sadly had to happen on a regular basis, maybe even a daily one.

"That's true," he finally responded, "although nothing bad came out of it in the end, thanks to alpha Ackles, who happened to walk by and disbanded my aggressors. He was very helpful and kind."

"That's a relief. Lucky boy, you would be wise to cultivate alpha Ackles' friendship, he's a gentleman, an example for all settlers, and a figure in the Islands."

"I had no idea. I was so shocked after the attack that we never really introduced ourselves to each other before the first ball I attended."

The Intendant's eyes seem to narrow, to Jared's great confusion.

"Did I do something wrong ?"

"Not at all, boy. Let's get back to the matter at hand. Have you met someone worthy of your attention at the latest o-related events ?"

Jared hesitated but he couldn't seem to lie to the alpha, and then he had already more or less mentioned to Sheppard that he was waiting for someone special at the ball.

"I did meet someone that I'd like to know better."

Hopefully the Intendant would be happy with this answer.

"Is this the same alpha you were waiting for the other day at the ball, the one who never showed up ?"

Jared leaned down, trying to hide his face behind his bangs. It was more about sadness than shame.

"Jared, I don't want to make you feel like I've spied on you, but you have to know that news spreads fast in such a small community. Which means I'm very aware that your wandering, so-called mate is Jensen Ackles."

Jared gaped at the Intendant but no word managed to pass the barrier of his throat. For some reason, Sheppard knowing seemed like a bad thing. Maybe even a bad omen.

"As I said, Jensen is a gentleman. His family is one of the best and oldest back in Tethreya. He's not one to brag about it but the Ackles are rich, and Jensen has been courted by every clan Alpha looking to mate their omegas."

Jared's heart was sinking a bit more with every new piece of information.

"You are yourself a very lovely boy, promised to a great future I am sure, but Jensen Ackles is far above your status. His father is Alpha of the clan and he would not agree to his heir mating with you. The earlier you accept it, the better you'll fare."

The Intendant stood up and came to sit in the chair right next to Jared's.

"The best you could hope for with alpha Ackles would amount to being his mistress, his bit on the side. But he's too much of a good man to do that to you, which means nothing will ever happen."

A first tear escaped Jared's left eye, promptly followed by others that Sheppard wiped for him with his thumb. Jared forced himself to stay in place, although he hated the feeling of anyone else than Jensen touching him.

"I have a proposition for you, sweet boy. I'm not trying to force your hand here, and I'm not asking for an immediate answer either, I just want you to be aware that you're not alone and that you have choices."

Sheppard used a finger to push Jared's face up until their eyes met.

"I can't pretend to be as good a man as Ackles, not when I find myself attracted beyond words to someone like you. I'm mated already, you know that, but I have the means and the power to keep you by my side under any guise you'd think appropriate. I can appoint you as my private assistant, for example. Very private, and very intimate. In other words, Jared, I want you, in my bed, for as long as you feel like it, and I'm ready to pay to get you."

Jared had to give a good impersonation of a fish out of water while the Intendant's words tried to sink in. Then he did his best to keep in the anger they had awakened inside him.

"My Lord, though I'm quite flattered, I have to decline. Whatever you might say to warn me, however kind and thoughtful your proposition is, as far as I'm concerned, I've met my alpha already, and it's just a matter of time before he and I mate. He is the only man who will ever touch me."

Sheppard moved back in his chair.

"As I said, there's no need for a hasty decision. Enjoy your stay in Ismia, meet alphas, and we'll talk about this again after your two months in the palace are over."

It wasn't difficult for Jared to turn his face into a stony and cold expression in an attempt to convey his certainty. Jensen might be able to convince him to become his "bit on the side," but he would never be the Intendant's "private assistant."

Sheppard stood up again to get back to his side of the desk, back to his part as the powerful governor of the Islands.

"I'm glad we had this discussion, Jared. I'm freeing you now, but don't forget that my door is always open to you."

Jared had left the interview with Lord Sheppard both appalled and certain of one thing : he should leave the palace as soon as possible.

He let Jensen know about the Intendant's proposition at the next o-event, hoping that the news would maybe push his alpha to stake his claim. But that was of course wishful thinking.

"I know I'm the last person on Earth who has the right to say this," Jensen answered, "but you shouldn't accept any offer from that man. Please be wary, Jared. Sheppard won't ever leave his mate for you. He'd have to hide you like a dirty little secret, not love you and protect you the way you deserve."

It was impossible to be angry with this man when he said things like that. Or when he encouraged Jared to follow his idea and search for a job already. Beginning earlier than the rest of his contingent meant that he would have a bit more choice.

Or so was the plan.

Jensen's outfit was blue and grey tonight, and Jared was beginning to think that nothing could ever make him less handsome. His eyes devoured his mate for a long while, eliciting the beginning of a blush on the alpha's face, and then on Jared's when he realized how brazenly he was acting. Really, it seemed he had no shame left where Jensen was concerned.

And yet he kept on staring at his mate during the dances they shared, as they were getting closer and closer to each other, until their chests touched and Jensen's arm around his waist felt more like a lasso than a gentle guide. The hand on the small of his back was pure fire even through the fabric of his shirt. It wouldn't take much for it to slide down and cup his ass, follow his crack to…

The music ended and Jensen led Jared onto the first free balcony he found. The air felt great after the too-crowded room, just like the way the noise of the chatter was subdued out there and easily forgotten. Leaning over the balustrade, Jensen took a deep breath, and Jared unconsciously mirrored his attitude, applying his elbow against his mate's.

"How's the search for a job going ?" Jensen broke the silence after a while.

"Badly," Jared responded truthfully. "I was a teacher at the orphanage, you know, so I thought I could offer my help at the Sheppard Academy, but I was told that teaching was a job for betas here. I insisted that maybe I could take care of the omegas, if only for specific subjects taught only to them, and that's how I discovered that Sheppard had passed a law forbidding omegas to be taught in regular school."

"What ?"

"I'm not lying. They're sent to some special place, and that's only if the parents want them to go. And it's easy to imagine that most parents prefer to keep them either secure at home or, in a few cases, at work on the farm to help bring money."

"Did you apply for a job at this omega school ?"

"Yes, but they have all the professors they need. They were nice enough to say they'd keep my name and that they would call on me in case someone on the teaching staff left."

"That's too bad. If I had kids, I'd love for you to be their teacher."

"That's nice of you to say," Jared smiled at the compliment, but the little demon on his left shoulder pushed him to add something mischievous. "But you know those kids would be mine too, so of course I would teach them everything I know."

Jensen laughed at that.

"Of course, and they would be the most beautiful kids thanks to me and the most intelligent thanks to you, right ?"

"Don't glorify yourself, they'd get all their good looks from me too."

Jensen laughed again at the unexpectedly bold reply.

"I can imagine that," Jensen finally agreed with a soft smile and an intense stare.

It was really unfair how a simple smile and a few gentle words from Jensen could set Jared on fire, fighting the need to undress swiftly to offer himself again to his mate.

Maybe he would never be able to teach anything in close proximity to Jensen. He could only think of jumping his alpha and begging to feel him again inside his body, but not just his fingers this time. Jared wanted Jensen's cock, he wanted to feel his rim stretched impossibly wide around his knot. He didn't understand where these ideas came from but he couldn't seem to repress them, that succession of awfully pornographic images erasing every other mundane thought, occupying his mind all day long, and even more next to Jensen.

"So what about the other schools ?" Jensen cut in on his naughty daydream.

"Which other schools ?"

"You said you had tried with Sheppard's academy and the omega school, what about the other ones ?"

"There's no other one, Jensen."

"But surely… Are you telling me that a city of almost five thousand souls, maybe half of which are kids, only has one regular school ?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you."

"But… is it able to deal with all the kids in need of an education ?"

"What do you think ?"

Jensen remained silent for a while, his face an open book for Jared, all scowl and thinned lips.

"I guess the fees to get your child into the school go directly into Sheppard's pocket," Jensen extrapolated from Jared's information. "And then extra fees are due if you want your child to get good grades, not to mention their degree. Another way for the Intendant to hit pay dirt."

"So you think this is not just a way to keep the omegas at the bottom of our society ?"

"You can be sure of it. One thing you have to know about our dear Lord Sheppard is that everything that glitters turns to gold in his hands. Legally or not."

"My dear boy Jared, have you given some thought to my proposition ?"

"My dear Lord, although I'm still very flattered, I couldn't in good conscience give it more thought while my heart is engaged somewhere else."

It was clear on Sheppard's face that Jared's heart was not what the Lord was particularly attracted to, yet he couldn't say it aloud.

"Of course I understand. But know that the offer still stands, in case your heart was ever inclined to… change tracks."

"I will not forget, my Lord. I realize how lucky I am to have been distinguished by you, but the body obeys where the heart commands, as you well know."

The Intendant scowled some more.

"That Ackles boy is a fool, but it leaves me some hope that you'll reconsider with time. I'm not flattering myself when I say that I'm sure to be a better lover than him. Think about it, Jared ! Experience over youth. I could make you swoon."

"Your Lordship doesn't need flattery, I'm sure, but you have to know that I am faithful by nature. As I said, I will come pure to marriage, whenever it happens. And I know you'll respect my wishes."

Jared had chosen the wine-red outfit tonight, and he thought it was a good match to Jensen's elegant black breeches and white shirt. Hopefully, Sheppard would see them together and realize once and for all that Jared wasn't free for the taking.

Being allowed to come to these events only when Jensen was also around would help, but all omegas of the contingents were under the obligation to attend each and every one of them until they were married. Every time he wasn't held back by work, Sheppard lurked close, watching Jared with a disturbing intensity. There was no licentious proposition as long as someone else was around, but Jared alone meant that the Intendant would pursue him relentlessly with too many innuendos and thinly disguised demands for sex until the moment Jared could retire for the night with Katie for chaperone.

Jared was getting a bit worried about it all, but Jensen was here tonight, and he was like a knight in shining armor, the one man able to protect him from all the ugly things of this world.

"Have you been able to draw again ?" Jared initiated the conversation.

"A bit," Jensen answered, stretching his fingers to show Jared. "Knuckles and skin are mostly healed, but my muse has deserted me, the wench !"

"Maybe that's because you treat her so badly," Jared laughed.

"Badly ?!" Jensen was indignant. "She not only gets to enjoy the most beautiful island of the region on a daily basis, I also take her to those balls where she can admire gorgeous omegas like you. But still it's not enough. I'm telling you, that's a demanding muse if I know one."

"Don't you think she could use seeing more of this gorgeous omega ?" Jared proposed, all innocence.

"You'd think that, wouldn't you ?"

"Well, it's only logical deduction."

"Really ? What exactly do you know about drawing and muses ?"

"I'm a renowned artist, my etchings are displayed in all the fashionable castles back on the mainland. You should listen to my advice."

"Alright, now I'm intrigued, you have to show me your talent."

To Jared's surprise, Jensen took out of a pocket a graphite pencil and a sheet of paper. Offering them to Jared, he waited for him to draw something.

"What ? No inspiration either ? Did your muse wander off with mine maybe ?" Jensen asked with a straight face when Jared just kept staring at his hands.

"Not at all. Prepare to be swept off your feet."

Here goes nothing, Jared thought. He defiantly began to trace the stick man he was only capable of, next to a stick dog and their very square house, under a round sun shining straight rays upon the whole drawing. Then he gave the pencil and the sheet back to Jensen, waiting for his reaction.

"That's… err… talent doesn't even begin to describe it. I think I have no words."

"You're allowed to keep this chef d'oeuvre for your collection, it will be worth millions someday."

"Sweet, I won't have to work in my old days."

Jensen folded the paper and then put it back in his pocket with the pencil.

One of the jobs Jared was offered - caretaker for an old woman who had lost most of her mind - would have been perfect if only the potential employer, her son who lived in the same house, hadn't watched Jared as if he was already imagining the best way to bend him over his desk and fuck him senseless. Jared cut the interview short and ran away.

Most employers weren't interested in having an omega in their staff (too much problem, not strong enough, not professional enough…) or already had all the personnel they needed. Jared offered his services as a private tutor to unschooled children, but most parents didn't have the money to spend on it. In this and any other kind of job, a few too many alphas suggested that Jared should be part of the deal, and then maybe they could reach an agreement.

Even if he had been that kind of omega, Jared knew better than to trust the solidity of such a work contract after he'd let his boss play with his ass for a while.

But he had a good feeling about the McNally inn right away. Boss and employees were smiling and affectionate with each other in a good way, and Jared was kindly welcomed when he said he was here about the half-time job. The boss listened to him without a leer or a bored expression until Jared was finished.

"You a casket boy, lad ?"

"I'm not sure I get your meaning, sir."

"That's what we call the omegas coming here to marry. You know, with those big caskets full of unknown treasures. So : casket boy, or casket girl."

"Then I must plead guilty as charged. But I can assure you that however big our caskets are, they sadly do not contain any treasure. Just a few clothes and useful items for a new household."

"And you're looking for a job instead of an alpha ?"

"Not exactly, I just don't want to be a burden to the community while I'm looking for my mate."

"Alright, that's good, but with such refined language, I don't see how you'd fit in my inn. Work's hard around here, you stand up all day and carry heavy bocks and plates, run around for hours… tis no idle job."

"I grew up in an orphanage where I had to help pretty much all the time. I was also a teacher, that's why I learned to speak this way, but I can assure you that I can hold my own in any hard work. Give me a few days to prove it, and you'll see that I'm not lying."

"I can't pay much. My other employees get two piasters a month at most for full time, if they really work hard, plus food and lodging, so do the math and divide for half of that."

"I don't ask for much. I'd rather get a free room up there if you have one, and two meals every day. The omegas cannot stay more than two months in the palace and then I'll have to sleep somewhere else as well as sustain myself."

"Might be possible to arrange something with the girl, if you're not too bothered with sharing. Julia is also an omega so nothing for you to fear. As for the meals, you can have whatever you arrange for yourself with the scraps. What'd you say ?"

The situation was not ideal, but so much better than all the other answers Jared had received.

"Agreed," he sighed in relief. "I look forward to working with you."

"Right. We'll see if you still say that after a few days."

The job was indeed hard, but not much worse than caring for orphans of all ages throughout the day. In Jared's opinion, the worst was dealing with drunken alphas, but he generally didn't work front of the house a lot. He preferred to work in the back anyway, in the kitchen with the funny cook, or change the sheets and sweep the bedrooms after the customers had left.

Some days were busier than others, during the main market especially. Then, the farmers living too far to arrive in the morning with their produce sailed the previous day to Ismia and slept at the inn. Some stayed the next night, pretending to be too tired to go back home immediately, but Jared knew they needed the company, that their life so far from the rest of humanity, often alone and working hard, had to be more than they could tolerate at times. Some also wanted to use the opportunity to attend one of the balls and spend an evening with the omegas, maybe meet someone who would agree to share their solitude and their island. Jared was always amused to see these men and women, who swore like sailors, drank even more, and didn't stand on formality at the inn, suddenly so uncomfortable in their Sunday best, feeling clumsy and out of place in the palace.

Jared worked mostly on these days, but the boss was understanding and had no problem with his obligation to attend the balls too. Most of his part-time hours were done in three days, leaving him with a lot of time on his hands. He only slept at the inn on working days. He didn't want to lose contact with Katie or the other omegas, and he still enjoyed the calm of his bedroom at the palace.

Julia, the young maid he had been hired to assist, was not a bad girl, but she had made a habit of bringing a customer to the room almost every night to make a few more pennies. As much as he wished for her to be able to live without selling herself, Jared had no alternate miraculous solution to offer to make money. So he didn't comment and came in later at night, giving her the time to make her deal. Maybe Julia was not very bright, but she was nice and she had accepted him when he was nothing but an intruder in the room she had enjoyed alone for a long time. Jared could make an effort too.

Julia had never sought to become a part-time prostitute, but life was what it was, and she'd rather sleep with a few not-too-bad-looking alphas than go to bed hungry, or not to have any bed at all. She had worked all her life and considered herself lucky to have this place with the McNallys, a boss who didn't try to force her and still turned a blind eye on her deals. The deals that allowed her to put a bit of money in the bank every month and dream of a time when she could settle on her own and no longer depend on alphas and their whims.

She had been wary of Jared at first. Another omega meant concurrence, and the guy was too beautiful to be true. But although some of her regular clients eyed him with undisguised hunger, it was clear Jared was keeping himself for his future mate. He was also so lovely and respectful that Julia could feel, day after day, her heart beating a little wilder in his company. She knew she shouldn't, they were both omegas, and Jared thought he could trust her, but she enjoyed watching him naked during his ablutions, and dreamed at night that he would welcome her in his bed, that he would let her do anything she pleased with his big, virgin body. She hadn't felt like that in a long time, not since the first alpha who had taken her virginity and abandoned her, dishonored and pregnant, the next morning. She was fourteen, and her parents had thrown her out soon after.

One of Julia's numerous alpha friends had brought her to Ismia's shores, and forgotten her when he went back to the mainland with another omega adorning his side. Luckily, work wasn't hard to find in that time. The McNallys had taken her in with open arms and she hadn't needed to sleep with alphas for a while. But bad habits are difficult to ditch, and she had gone back to the oldest profession in the world after a few propositions. After all, no one had ever expressed the desire that she be their one and only. So if those alphas were fool enough to use their money for something as ephemeral as sex, then Julia was all for that money ending up in her own pocket.

She was sadly aware of the way Jared looked at her, and that was not with the lust and love she dreamed of at night. He was being friendly, understanding and non-judgmental, but never showed any intention of taking her in his arms and making love to her. It was breaking her heart and she couldn't say anything about her wish for a same-gender relationship. Sure, alphas would like to see two omegas getting it on, but a real, true relationship between them would mean prison at best, stoning at worst.

The day she brought alpha Nemec to her room and found Jared washing, bared from head to toe, Julia couldn't help hoping for a short moment that her dreams would come true despite the shock and dismay written on the omega's beautiful face. He was not supposed to be here, his shift had ended after breakfast. She was not supposed to be here either, not right before lunch, but Nemec had pestered her for a last tumble before he had to go back home, until she gave in at the mention of advance payment.

The farmer was the first to emerge from his stupor. He let go of Julia to approach Jared like a dragon on the prowl. Or so she imagined, she had actually never seen a dragon. She had never seen a lowsy either, but it was supposed to be the dragons' main food source after the wet grass of the islands, and Jared seemed to offer a good impersonation of the horror the small animal probably felt knowing it was about to be devoured.

"Julia, is this your way to try and make a few more pennies ?" Nemec asked as his hands landed on Jared's hips. "Because let's be clear, I'm all for a threesome, and I'll gladly pay to fuck this one. Especially for his first time, as I can smell."

The alpha's hands slid to cup Jared's ass, followed closely by Julia's eyes. It was a fantasy of hers, taking her time to discover with the tips of her fingers each and every inch of Jared's skin, and more than anything the parts that hadn't been explored yet by anyone. She was so sure she would know how to make him reel from her touch, better than any alpha would ever care to, because all they could think about was their own pleasure and how much they could take from others without ever giving back.

She wanted to convince Jared to agree to the threesome, give him all the money if need be, just to enjoy the few minutes of bliss touching him, watching him impaled on the alpha's cock, kissing his mouth and putting her own fingers into his ass. She wanted him less uptight, more pliant to his own physical urges, but then he wouldn't be the Jared she was in love with, the man waiting for his true mate to appear.

"He's not on offer, Corin," Julia intervened suddenly, decision made.

She came behind the other omega to dislodge the farmer's hands from Jared's ass cheeks, not strong enough to deny herself a little stroke in the process. Nemec's lips had attached themselves to one of Jared's nipples despite the omega's struggle, and it was some time before the alpha agreed to let go of him.

Then Julia pushed the client onto her bed and began to kiss his face to occupy him while Jared quickly dressed and fled their room.

Masterpost | Return to part 2 | Continue to part 4

challenge: spnj2bigbang, pairing: j2, actor: jeffrey dean morgan, fic, actor: jared padalecki, actor: jensen ackles, tvshow: supernatural

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