artpaperscissor - Is there anybody out there?

Jun 07, 2013 17:44

Title: Is there anybody out there?
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean and Sam Winchester
Warnings: Shameless rip off of Tribute to Pink Floyd.

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!round 2, amber1960

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Comments 3

amberdreams June 7 2013, 16:47:31 UTC
Apologies but I cannot get LJ to allow me to add a link to the picture to take you to my journal - it used to let me but since they did their last rejig I can't do it anymore...


tringic June 7 2013, 19:08:13 UTC
Oh my, that's me... Alright, I got this!


amberdreams June 7 2013, 19:11:29 UTC
It certainly is! :D Have fun...


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