17; [ Video & Voice ]

Jun 20, 2009 16:15

[ When the device clicks on you can see Winry standing in her apartment, back against a wall. Her sundress is a bit wrinkled and her hair tangled; it's obvious that she hasn't gotten much sleep lately. There are dark circles beneath her eyes and she looks upset...and angry ]

Hasn't this gone on long enough?! Someone has to know of a cure, or...or some way to help these people!

[ Her voice cracks a bit -- because even though she might be angry at the unfairness of it all, she is more worried about Al than anything. ]

I'm tired of having to stay inside and worry! And I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Al...

[ She trails off for a moment before continuing. ]

We need to help Al. I can't take it anymore! Seeing him suffer like that, it just --

[ And suddenly Winry just stops speaking. Her eyes are wide open; a look of shock on her face. The communicator is dropped as she falls to the floor dead. ]

[ooc; Winry's dead. =( ]
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