Humiliation ^^;

Apr 07, 2011 00:01

A few days ago I went to my parents' place and found my Mom... staring at my deviantArt gallery, which is STUFFED with slashy drawings, some even dating back to my school years. Mom isn't tech-savvy, she doesn't watch TV shows, and isn't a slash fan (as far as I know) so I was very surprised that she could find my dA account >_Before that, she ( Read more... )

real life, indonesia, buddhism

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Comments 38

sin_stained_ink April 6 2011, 17:15:25 UTC
Your mum and dad sound lovely. :-)


artmetica April 6 2011, 23:31:33 UTC
Ah apparently they are ^^ ♥


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artmetica April 6 2011, 23:37:39 UTC
Haha I was holding my breath waiting for their reactions, thankfully they're cool with that :)

LOL your Mom already knows the things you write about? Hehehe yes I imagine that would be shocking XD


lilyleia78 April 6 2011, 17:20:44 UTC
Your parents sound wonderful! My family knows what I write, but I admit I'd be terrified if they actually saw it. :)

::hugs:: Your stuff is beautiful and I'm sure they were very proud of your talent.


artmetica April 7 2011, 00:01:36 UTC
Ah yes, apparently my parents are very accepting. I'm lucky :)
Haha we are paranoid about this slash thing, aren't we? XD
*hugs* Thank you for your support! ^^ ♥


lustmordred April 6 2011, 17:21:12 UTC
That's pretty cool that your parents took it like that. Sad about your brother but brothers seem to react to that sort of thing in that way more than parents I think. My parents know that write and that some of it is slash--I've even explained the definition of slash to my Gran, who doesn't even blink at the idea and that amuses me no end--but I think I'd freak out quite a lot if some of the things I write were to fall into their hands like this. I very much keep my fandom activities separate from my real life such as it is and the idea of one bleeding into the other makes me very uncomfortable so I totally understand your initial panic at them finding that stuff. It's good that it turned out mostly okay though.


artmetica April 8 2011, 14:02:33 UTC
Yeah, I was so relieved and happy that my parents actually support me ^^
Hmmm I only have this one brother so I'm not sure how brothers usually react to this kind of thing :p I hope he'll just get over it

Oh LOL your Gran is cool! XD And I'm here imagining your parents being amused for reading all the things you write :p
Well we share the feeling, it's just much safer not to let everyone in RL know about our fandom life ^^


serenada_art April 6 2011, 17:38:03 UTC
That's so cool about your parents! My sister knows exactly what I draw and read, and thinks it's too dirty--but she's an avid slash fan, she just never goes about PG-13. I send her lots of recs when we share fandoms. So no secrets there. Just different boundaries.

I walked my mother through my dA account unlogged in once, so the x-rated stuff wasn't visible, and it was okay. Then she came and looked over my shoulder once and wanted to know "what's up with those two women?" Luckily they were clothed. I just said they were hugging and closed the window.

There are conversations I will never have with my parents¹. God help me if they find my reference folders on my network.

Shame about your brother--reflexively I'd have expected the younger generation to be more accepting, you know? But good on your mother for calling him on it.

¹ Then again, I did once send them Mary Sue fic where I had offscreen sex with Spike. We just never talked about that bit.


artmetica April 8 2011, 15:16:28 UTC
Yes! I'm very lucky, after all :D

Hehehe your sister sounds like I was when I first got into the slash world XD Though from what I gather, she's been in the slash fandoms for quite some time?
LOL the situations with your parents sound very amusing, though I hope they will be okay with whatever you draw! ;D

Ah yes, even now, only some of my friends are quite open-minded (we're living in a mostly-homophobic society). Bro is just one of them, I guess, probably making me the weird one :p


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