Since I lost the opportunity to buy the F-09 head (snatched by someone more determined than me), I'm seriously tempted to forget my BJD boys for now and ask
this grave child to come live with me for my birthday. Just look at that face. And then look at that dress.
I am very seldom attracted to girl dolls, but this one I would get along with, I know. She is like Wednesday Addams (another utterly fascinating being, and the main reason why I like and respect Christina Ricci still today), but without the limited playing possibilities of an already well-defined character. I'd keep her default name - Agnes, a name I love. I'd keep her dress of course - if possible, I'd get one like it for myself ^^ Seemingly there is a Tonner retailer not far from my father's house. I've never gone visit it, though I've been intending to do so for a whole year already.
Apart from her lovely sombre expression and clothing, it's easy to wish for this doll right now because we're going on vacation soon and I can't seem to find a satisfying travel doll to take along: small enough but at the same time substantial to feel, and with a strong enough presence, one that means something to me - a doll friend, dammit. I guess I'll dig
Guille out of the toy box. If I had Agnes, I'd bring her. And if I had my only other long-desired doll apart from BJDs,
the blond Pongratz boy, I'd bring him.
Blame all this on the
TravelDollCompanions Yahoo! Group, which I simply had to join the other day after reading this
very moving account of an adult living and journeying with a beloved doll. There is sweetness and also something deeply disturbing about all this. Why do I need a doll companion, if I'm fortunate enough to be travelling with all my family? And I love my family - I consciously do. I guess even if I'm to be with them, I still feel so fragile sometimes I benefit from having a token of comfort near me. Dolls, or plushies, have this aura about them - they're comforting presences, not as strong as to ever be menacing, friendly without the demands of real friends.
Well, I've been through this already, I've think about this a thousand times. I've learnt to be so afraid of the pain people can inflict, real people, in the real world. Whatever: Still searching for the perfect travel doll.
On the side of those already here with me (trying not to forget to count my blessings!), I dressed Aki-kun all in white for tea this afternoon. This is being such a delightful summer, I find myself craving for whites and pinks instead of my usual black. He's looking so sweet. Are we turning into
princesses? I really enjoyed reading that site - she is so brave living like that, and often she sounds like Oscar Wilde - every moment should be beautiful... And what she's done with her doll is just one of the best constructed imaginary worlds out there.