Title:Pretty Baby (3/6)
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: R
Warnings: Medical and maternity situations that some may find squemish. Hints of abuse
Summary: Merlin is the only male midwife at Camelot Maternity Hospital. Antics ensue
A/N: Sorry this took ages. I was ill with recurrant chest infection. Then I wrote it and somehow managed to delete the
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You must think I'm a huge liar!
Thankyou for showing so much interest in my story. I am going to post complete story soon.
I was starring in a musical for those weeks.
Anyway, the last few weeks my grandmother died, so things have been crazy, sad and busy being so close to christmas. I've had so much to sort out, but now I'm writing again as it actually makes me feel better. So expect update first week of january
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This is my favourite story too. I've had writers block in this. Another merlin/arthur fan is helping me get my groove back with this one. I'm hoping that once chapter 4 is done I'll find 5 and 6 easy.
I hate myself for this as I cant stand waiting for other peoples fics
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