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М. И. Здравствуйте, уважаемые друзья, у нас в гостях Артемов Игорь Владимирович, и первый вопрос у нас традиционный: Игорь, скажите пожалуйста, зачем Русскому народу Координационный Совет?
И. А. Русскому народу нужен политический орган, в который бы вошли люди, которые представляли мнение Русского народа. Сегодняшняя
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Comments 12
Terrible enemy Romney has 5 children.
Lovely RF prime-minister has only one child.
How to you planning to win your fight with US?
May be each RF patriot need to eliminate condoms usage? What about you personally?
as official open agent of influence,
for RF nationalists it is enough to have 11% of decisions.
As only real decision is to prevent condoms usage.
All other can be as liberals want. Or as lefts want. Does not matter.
Anyway it will be no efficient economics and light physical life in RF. It is technically impossible.
Only what can be done- it is prevent condoms usage.
Or eliminate "family planning".
Your mental problem is that you believe in these tales about "efficient economics". As in any reality. It does not exist anywhere: "efficient economics". It is not about reality. It is tale.
Look at the Pat Buchanans book "Death of the West", about western demographic situation.
It is good for nationalists, that not they will translate these tales about "economical prosperity". But liberals. And left will translate tales about "working peoples". Somebody needs to translate these tales. As peoples love it.
But all that can be done really it is to prevent condoms usage. Switch off "family planning".
Вы скрытный человек и не отвечаете на комментарии, которые в невыгодном свете могут раскрыть вашу позицию. Вы включили запоминание IP после удаления моего комментария. Вполне понятно для чего это вам.
Вместо ответа, вы удалили мой комментарий.
Там не было ни ненормативной лексики, ни оскорбительного отношения к вам.
Были вопросы. Вместо ответов, вы просто удалили его.
Вы ненадёжный человек и тем более в политике.
Это я вижу на основе своего опыта руководителя большим сообществом в течении большого количества лет.
Не просто так, я решил сначала поговорить с вами, у меня была тень сомнения, теперь её нет.
And neither Putin nor Obama have any idea what to do. Even clever Kasparov too.
So only real way to survive for Russian is deep poverty. All other it is the tale.
Actually: if we have good birth rate, it means that women does not working. I.e. we lose half of workers. It means deep poverty, nothing more.
Lets clever Kasparov trying to solver it. Under some control of results by nacionasits. But for now, before genius Kasparov solution, your only goal should be: surviving Russian in deep poverty. You need to be realistic.
informing you that your point of view also can't be recommended.
Ye. For 12 year of fight opposition against KGB in opposition was not find at least one agent of KGB. Are you serious?
But. All it does not matter. Religion, ideology, freedom and dictatorship, KGB agents in opposition and CIA in Kremlin.
As cannibals from Maclay beach have much more chances to survive, then Russian. Are these cannibals more saint? Are you serious in it too?
You need to prevent condoms usage. It is obligatory.
All other have no real sense. In your sad real situation.
What the idea- theological discussions with KGB. Nobody in KGB believes in God. For them it is a game.
But you need to survive. It does not matter, all these your sins.
Exclude condoms usage.
As against biological nature of peoples.
What consenring believe in God, sceially for agents KGB, CIA and Mossad:
It is not difficult to check everybody if he really believe in God.
As long time ago invented speilal device, named polygraph.
So without polygraph, it is no sense to discuss God.
As each lier can say that he believe. But he not.
As Chirst told "You can recognize them by their business". It is another option.
If somebody for continue condoms usage he does not believe in God. It is clear even without polygraph.
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