...I leaptThe last year has been really great in many ways, and really bad in others. Many things happened just as I wanted them to (apartment, car, family, friends), and one glaring thing has NOT happened at ALL like I wanted to (WTF do I have to do to get a damned full time job here, FFS? I'm going to have to go into to this in more depth in
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"Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over." - Gloria Naylor
This seems to happen with more and more frequency as I get older. I find out that someone to whom I used to be somewhat close, someone with whom I've lost touch, has passed on. And I feel this sort of gentle, yet building, wave of regret that I didn't find a way to stay close, or get back in touch
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I'm coming up on the 2 month mark of my move from Chicago to GR. As I mentioned before, it's been a fairly easy transition. While there are definitely things I miss about Chicago (hanging with friends, wandering around the neighborhood on foot, Ping Pong, Piehole, a Borders with a great bargain section in every neighborhood), I've found things to
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So, Grand Rapids friends - Unless you've been living under a rock in an underwater cave or similar for the past few months, you know that there's a big shindig going on this weekend. The launch of Audacity Limited clothing (web site to launch on September 28) is this Saturday, September 26. Here's what you need to know
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In honor of St. Patrick's Day, I offer up an old conversation that still makes me giggle, via scottsteg (from this entry): I heard it last night
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