Title: Eclipse Rating: K+ Summary: Don't look directly at it. Five ladies named Joo Dee. A/N: Spoilers for the latter half of Season 2, if such warnings are needed.
Oh, I like this! What an intriguing idea, the way various Joo Dee's were "born." I kind of want to hear more about these girls now. :P This was wonderful.
As weird as it sounds, I'm more than sure that the Joo Dees are provided for in a half-way decent manner, so definitely, yeah. It's kind of strange to be thinking that even though they're doing this terrible thing to these girl's minds, they're also... rescuing some of them, in a way.
I really like this! I think it's cool to see Ba Sing Se fleshed out like this. And I agree with what tehlobster said, I kind of want to read more about them too.
It was really interesting to figure it out - I could only imagine that pulling from a pool of prisoners or criminals could only last so long, and after a while they had to go someplace else to trick girls. On the other hand... we don't fully know what use they put the Joo Dees, which is something that bugs, but it's so clear that they're well used to training them...
Comments 16
Bit of a note -- for Roman numerals, 5 is V, not X. 10 is X.
Thanks for reading - I'm glad you liked it!
And the thing is, it probably is a ticket to a better life. If you don't mind being someone other than the person you used to be...
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