Title: Shadows in the Mind
Summary: Five years after the war is over, the world is finally settling into an uneasy peace. When the Avatar and his friends disappear into a swamp in the southwest Earth Kingdom, they find themselves fighting not only for their lives but to prevent another way from breaking out. Chapter 15: Aang finally receives some
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Comments 3
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And god Azula and Zhao are so totally my effed up advantage taking OTP. I've been planning that scene since... what Chapter 4?
Just all around excellent!
(But I gotta admit, why can Ty Lee see all this shit and Sokka can't?)
As for Ty Lee and Sokka, it merely boils down to their personalities - the same reason Ty Lee could sense the bad stuff going on before they even entered the swamp: she's simply more spiritually inclined. Sokka does not want to see all that stuff, so he doesn't. (God, can you imagine his whining? "I thought ONE Avatar was bad enough...")
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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