Title: Shadows in the Mind
Summary: Five years after the war is over, the world is finally settling into an uneasy peace. When the Avatar and his friends disappear into a swamp in the southwest Earth Kingdom, they find themselves fighting not only for their lives but to prevent another way from breaking out. Chapter Fourteen: Things go badly for
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And I'm REALLY glad you're okay with Bao - OCs are shaky ground, and I his role expanded from what I had originally envisioned, which made me nervous.
And yes! Waterbending is VERY important! (Mostly because the author needed a logical way to get them out of the swamp....)
He finds this fanfic to be made of Grade-A "super-special-awesome"...
Yes, Xemnas almost ALWAYS refers to himself in the 3rd person...
Yes, Xemnas is very good friends with Garra, and thinks that he is made of awesome...
No, Xemnas's weapons are not "Laser Swords", they are LIGHTSABERS, and they rock...
Yes, Xemnas IS the Shadowmaster, and as such he WAS raised in the Village Hidden in the Sand...
Pissing Xemnas off will cause him to call his good friend Garra, so that they can come to your house and eat ALL of your Mint-Chocolate-chip ice cream (even though Garra prefers orange sherbert), and as we leave, Xemnas will wipe your Hard Drive and keep a copy for himself, just for kicks...
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