
May 27, 2011 11:02

My books came *squeals* I got The Legends of Saint Patrick with a prettier cover. It is a reprint from 1889 and full of ridiculous myths which I love. I don't think he turns any blasphemers into foxes like he does in Jocelin's 'biography' (we shall use that term loosely) but it's still amazing.

I also got The Life of Saint Patrick another ( Read more... )

forgotten strays, ireland, saint patrick apparently owns my soul, history nerding!, books, omgasm!, helios is the sun!, oh saints

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Comments 6

moderntrickster May 27 2011, 01:51:58 UTC
YAY BOOKS! I'm glad you got them. :D I understand fondling too cause I rubbed my Sherlock books allllll over and, like, smelled them and stuff (THEY SMELL LIKE OLD BOOK) when I got them.

I have fresh salsa too!!

This is my new icon that I just made today. I thought you would appreciate it.


artemisofluna May 27 2011, 05:03:01 UTC
I actually forgot I wanted to order a Sherlock collection, so I will do that when I next get paid. I LOVE THE SMELL OF OLD BOOK! My new books smell of new book, but they LOOK of old book!

It is SO good. I made it and then ate a bunch. Omgggg.

It is lovely! :D:D


_lycanthropy_ May 27 2011, 06:31:50 UTC
Yeahhhhhh I read that as "fondling my sexy boobs"


artemisofluna May 27 2011, 18:52:44 UTC
Hahahah I wondered if anyone would :D


moment_of_sen May 27 2011, 06:57:40 UTC
Books!!!! I can't wait for the holidays, man, I get to read the book about Shakespeare I've had waiting for me, all beautiful and shiny and new on the shelf...


artemisofluna May 27 2011, 18:53:10 UTC


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