Jun 19, 2010 07:31

Stop. Sneezing.

No really. You're losing IQ this way.

Evidenced by my panicking because something weird was beside me. It's a shirt. OH NOES, WARDROBE!!! Stupid...7 in the morning. Can't sleep. If I lie down, my nose betrays me, and I can't breathe. I can not stand that feeling. It freaks me out. I can sleep sitting up, FFS ( Read more... )

hellbeasts and other such nonsense, lolwhut, heart attack kitteh, ariadne and her ball of wool, brain eaten, so tired, lewi is cute!

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Comments 2

treacleangel June 19 2010, 00:15:07 UTC
Aw poor Yoko doesn't understand why the Lfod don't love her anymore and have replaced her ^_ ( ... )


artemisofluna June 19 2010, 16:34:55 UTC
Because she wouldn't let me cuddlewuddle her!!

It is uncool and here I am awake again because I SLEPT ALL DAY LONG ffffff.

HAHHAHA oh dear! Cats! Such troublemakers!!

And you can hijack my journal any time :D


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