In which she reverts to childhood in the hopes that someone else will do it for her...

Dec 22, 2009 08:11

Aaahhhhh I'm officially a student at University of Canterbury now, but they have to argue about whether or not I'm a domestic student or an international student first. Since I won't be there on a student visa, I can assure them I'll be a domestic student, BUT if they want to make doubly sure, that's A-OK with me! I just hope they get back to me ( Read more... )

i love kaiserin elisabeth..., i love yogurt too, new zealand, studying, being organised, tags just because, omgaristotle

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Comments 8

sancta_terra December 21 2009, 21:16:51 UTC
NZ needs to stop having the same place/university names as here. I was SO confused on readin the first sentence!


artemisofluna December 21 2009, 21:21:33 UTC
AHahhahahaha it's the same here! Someone there talks about Victoria Park and I'm like "...that crappy place where the train station is? Ew omg." Or Brighton. Or Preston. Or EVERY PLACE NAME EVER! Steeaaallleerrsss!

And the US is just as bad, they just don't seem to REALISE so many of the place names are British.


wootduosmaster December 21 2009, 21:28:10 UTC
When do you arrive, again?


artemisofluna December 21 2009, 21:31:58 UTC
First week in February! At least that's the plan at the moment! I still have to find out about shipping allll myyyy crap over too.


wootduosmaster December 21 2009, 21:32:35 UTC
yus :3


artemisofluna December 21 2009, 21:35:39 UTC


bad_ideas_bear December 23 2009, 07:23:37 UTC
Hurrah! Congratulations! Welcome in advance to the UK. You do realise you will now be innundated with messages from me inviting you to meet up for coffee and come to Mafia gatherings? I am the personal stalker of everyone in this country who is in possession of the internet. (I'm very busy.)


artemisofluna December 23 2009, 11:37:47 UTC
Well THIS University of Canterbury is in New Zealand (see above comment by fellow UKer who takes umbrage with this...) BUT it won't be long if I have my druthers :D YAY COFFEE AND MAFIA! I look forward to it immensely!!!

At least you are committed to your stalking. That's something to take pride in!


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