Fic: The Elegy of Melody Pond

Nov 11, 2011 21:00

Title: The Elegy of Melody Pond
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doctor who, fic: the elegy of melody pond

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Comments 29

fannishliss November 11 2011, 11:19:32 UTC
I love the experimental format of this and the urgency inside River's mind.

this is my favorite bit:

their cold fingers on the smooth inside of her wrists where the sleeves of her graduation gown
fall short; stubby fingernails forming half-moons on pale skin

I like the idea that she grew up among clerics (though I really haven't got a clue where she grew up!)

Nice work organizing the confusions of her character into a cohesive emotional thrust.


artemis_ephesus November 11 2011, 11:24:31 UTC
Wow, that was fast! Thank you for a lovely comment! I also like the idea that she grew up in quite a military-style environment before being moved to Greystark. I love that you got a sense of urgency from the fic, that's definitely what I was going for.

My personal favourite bit is the bit about thinking there is something behind her and then there isn't, because you can just see her double take in the scene, and it's so perfectly creepy. :D


lonewytch November 11 2011, 14:24:21 UTC
I absolutely love this.

I was also profoundly moved by the Closing Time end scene. For me it is the most powerful scene in New Who, i also had to watch it over and over and it hits me in the guts every time.

I adore the format you have used - it almost reads like poetry, like a fusion between poetry and prose and i can get right on board with that!

The repetition of River Song and the other words in italics breaking up the text - represents perfectly River's fractured and confused state at this point, her thoughts shifting, her desperation to remain as River. Beautiful fic, thank you ♥


artemis_ephesus November 11 2011, 22:26:12 UTC
Thank you!!! Yes, that's exactly me after that scene. First time I watched it, I was literally immobilised and my heart was pounding something fierce. I'm glad you like the format, it does read a bit like poetry, it kinda makes a difference in the way you read each sentence. I love River's mind. I love everything about her. Thank you, Moff, for giving her to us!


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artemis_ephesus November 11 2011, 22:27:00 UTC
Yes, my theory exactly! Thank you for the lovely comment :)


a_phoenixdragon November 11 2011, 19:44:44 UTC
Ohh, this is utterly brilliant!!!!! A perfect use of the prompt! And those mentions of the other potential 'her's just...ohh, that sent a shiver through me! Absolutely wonderful darling!

*hugs you happily*


artemis_ephesus November 11 2011, 22:29:37 UTC
Aww, thanks! *hugs back just as happily* It is a rather good use of the prompt, isn't it? This has been sitting on my hard drive for a month or so, and I saw the prompt and was all "OMG this is perfect."

And I love that line as well. It may one day lead to fic about my personal theory that Kovarian is River Song in a parallel universe, so filled with hatred of the doctor that she jumps into his universe and kidnaps herself to kill the doctor, in a twisted, ironic, vengeful way. Ha. :D


a_phoenixdragon November 11 2011, 22:34:46 UTC

Hubby thinks she's an alternate or older Amy Pond, lol!! But either theory works with me - they both make I want fic!


artemis_ephesus November 11 2011, 22:38:07 UTC
I KNOW RIGHT? Not sure about the older Amy Pond idea, because Amy has already been too special in a way... Even though I was so happy with TWoRS for that. You know how RTD got this thing going about how it was just one big competition for the companions to be specialer than the last? Culminating in the whole Donna thing and Journey's end? Makes me want to vomit. But I do need to write this fic... Hmm. I have one more exam and then holidays! I'll see what I can do. :p


odainath November 12 2011, 01:00:33 UTC
I adore this fic! The format works brilliantly and though short, every word packs one hell of a punch. Bravo!


artemis_ephesus November 15 2011, 06:59:16 UTC
Whee! Let me tell you, writing it was the most emotionally draining thing ever. Every word had me bawling again... Haha. I'm glad you liked it!


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