(no subject)

Mar 05, 2011 18:09

Swing dance last night, ballroom tonight, and homework in between! What a very busy life I lead. :P

Ar Lan y Môr, traditional Welsh song:

image Click to view

Charlie Sheen's Top 10 Craziest Quotes. One thing you have to say for the guy, he's got a broad vocabulary.

Wilson College has approved a new president

"Bisclavret", the most awesome medieval werewolf story EVAR.

Did you know that NASA puts out movie-like posters of the crews of each of its missions? You can see a bunch of them here.


TRIBBLES FOR SALE! So cute! My roommate told me once that she told her dad she was going to make him a tribble for Christmas. So she made about fifty of them, and put them all over the living room, so that when he came downstairs, they were on the tree, on the floor, on the couch, the dog was chewing on one... And she swore up and down that she had only made him one, and she handed him the box it was in, and when he opened it, there were about thirty tribbles inside.

I meant to post this article a few weeks ago, but forgot about it. I don't watch the news, so I pretty much get my current events off of Wikipedia. lol Anyway, all I had really heard about the aftermath of the Coptic Church bombings in Egypt was that there was rioting and a lot of bad feelings. So I was particularly happy to see this article.
Muslims offered themselves as "human shields" on Friday to protect Coptic Christians celebrating their Christmas in Egypt just a week after a church bombing that killed 21 people. ...Egypt's Ahramonline reported that droves of Muslims had turned up at Coptic churches to act as "human shields." It quoted Mohamed El-Sawy, a Muslim arts tycoon credited with first floating the "human shield" idea, as saying, "We either live together, or we die together."
"This is not about us and them," Dalia Mustafa, a student who attended mass at Virgin Mary Church on Maraashly, told Ahramonline. "We are one. This was an attack on Egypt as a whole, and I am standing with the Copts because the only way things will change in this country is if we come together."
The Daily News Egypt reported that the front pew at a church in the Cairo district of Omraneya was filled with prominent Muslims from the neighborhood. In his sermon, Father Hanna thanked the Muslims for attending."This is the way our Egypt climbs new heights and become prosperous," the paper quoted Father Hanna as saying.
At the Cleopatra Church in Heliopolis Khaled, a Muslim attendee, said, "It's an honor to be among you today and [to] celebrate [Coptic] Christmas with you."
On Thursday, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's two sons Alaa and Gamal attended a Christmas Eve mass at Saint Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, where the head of the Coptic Church, Pope Shenuda III, conducted the service.
On Friday, about 100 opposition group members in Cairo gathered in a demonstration of solidarity with the Copts. "One people, one blood," they chanted.
I was very touched to read this, and I pray that all Christians may have the same love and the courage to protect the religious freedom of people of other faiths around the world that the Egyptian Muslims showed in January.


How to make a shifting Rorschach mask!

The story of Our Lady of Las Lajas

Blessed Kateria Tekakwitha. First Native American proposed for canonization, her cause was started in 1884 under Pope Leo XIII. The Tekakwitha Conference, an international association of Native American Catholics and those in ministry with them, was named for her.

aaaaaand I STILL have more tabs open than is really healthy. I suppose I'll get through them all SOMEtime. :P

Off to get some dinner and get dressed for ballroom!

history, literature, youtube, links

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