Art for Starsky and Hutch Big Bang

Nov 19, 2011 12:53

This is artwork for Dana Austin Marsh's story Something to Talk About.  The story will be posted at the S&H Archives here:

The Master Post at starskyhutch911 can be found here
Enjoy the story and please let Dana know how much you liked it!

Title: "Something to Talk About"
medium: Oil on canvas board
Size:  12"-h x 9"-w
Probably not really work safe--sorry. :-/
Something to Talk About... )

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Comments 51

m_lasha November 19 2011, 19:50:29 UTC
I love it and can't wait to read the Big Bang story.

Are you coming to Media this year?


artconserv November 19 2011, 19:53:42 UTC
Thanks, Hon! I think Flamingo will be posting the story shortly. She's working out technical difficulties but she has some great helpers. :-)

I do hope to go to Media this year--I'm not signed up yet, but hope to soon. :-) Thanks so much for your comment! Love your icon--I hope to do some Hawaii 5-0 sometime soon. :-)


nickygabriel November 19 2011, 20:07:05 UTC
What a beautiful moment! They look so happy as if you could even ‘touch’ their love! I like how you chose the perfect colors for them - Starsky in blue and Hutch in the warm, beige - so Hutchy! :)
And how you switched the backgrounds. And green - the color or hope between them! And just look how possessive Starsky is in this picture.
Thank you!


artconserv November 19 2011, 20:24:25 UTC
Thank you so much for your lovely and perceptive comments. :-) I'm so pleased you liked this. I don't know if you'll read Dana's story, but it's a very good one. :-)

Take care and thank you again!


nickygabriel November 19 2011, 20:31:35 UTC
I know Dana is a great writer, so I think her new story is excellent :)


nancys_soul November 19 2011, 20:10:55 UTC
So much love in that picture, well done! Now I can't wait for Dana's story!


artconserv November 19 2011, 20:22:07 UTC
Thanks so much! Dana's story is up now. Her stories are always so wonderful and are so inspirational. I hope you enjoy it very much.

Thanks again for commenting!! :-)



sc_fossil November 19 2011, 20:13:17 UTC
Oh, Lorraine, it's gorgeous! What great colors and the love just shines between them. Very nice. Thank you!


artconserv November 19 2011, 20:23:31 UTC
Thanks, Kat! I'm glad you like it and that you think I was successful with portraying their love for each other. :-) I hope you enjoy Dana's story, too. :-) It's just lovely. :-)

Take care and happy holidays!


ashkevran November 19 2011, 20:36:18 UTC
Lorraine - I am a big fan of your work. This piece is simply *gorgeous*. The love between the guys is blazing, sensual, incredibly beautiful. Starsky's grin warms my does the placement of arms and hands. What a beautiful, special piece! Wow!



artconserv November 23 2011, 03:15:44 UTC
Thanks so much, Angel! I do appreciate your lovely comments very much. :-) I'm so glad you liked this. Dana's story was very inspirational! Hope you enjoyed that also.

Thanks again and take care!


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