Title: A Matter of National Security
Rating: PG
Pairing: Fernando Torres/David Villa
Other characters: Cesc Fabregas, Iker Casillas
Disclaimer: Not claiming any of this to be true, but who knows ;)
Summary: Woken up by some rather curious sounds one night during Euro 2008, Cesc is trying to figure out, where they are coming from..
A Matter of National Security )
Comments 14
(This pairing really won me over at Euro08!)
Cesc is very funny. The part with Iker sharing his shampoo was hilarious, just like the last sentence!
Great fic, hope you'll write again! <3
Anyways, I'm part of a Chinese-language Torrilla/Villares forum, so I was wondering/hoping you would grant permission for me to translate & repost this over there? I'll definitely give credit etc. Thanks (:
But yes, sure! As long as you don't forget to credit, you're welcome to do it! *feels honoured*
Funny that you're asking me this on the night I dreamt of playing with the Spain NT against Hawaii in my room XD
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