Russian position over Ukraine. Stop hysteria.

Mar 03, 2014 08:09

Nobody attacks Ukraine. Just keep your heads cold and read attentively.

Maidan changed skin again - started to speak russian and shouting "stop russian agression". There goes big media hysteria about "russian occupation", claiming "violation of territorial integrity" and so on. Tymoshenko uses direct lie on state TV channels.

This was expected, but it is unclear why russian politicians and the media again fail in discussions, losing information war to rich and experienced opponents. So I will try to fill the gap for them and explain one very simple thing.

Official facts and direct quotes:

Yanukovych: ""As an acting president of Ukraine I did not allow the armed forces to intervene in the ongoing political events. I confirm my order now. If anyone would like to give orders to the armed forces and security agencies, such orders will be illegal, criminal"

Yanukovych: "Ukraine should remain united and individed. Crimea should remain a part of the Ukrainian state, while maintaining wide autonomy"

Medvedev: "Yes, the authority of President Yanukovych almost negligible, but that does not reject the fact that he is a legitimate president by Constitution of Ukraine. If he is guilty - legal parliament should start impeachment and judge hime. Anything else is outrage, Seizure of power"

Medvedev: "Ukraine for us - this is not only the group of people who shed blood on the Maidan, seized power in violation of the Constitution and other laws of the state. Ukraine for us - it's the whole country. Very different people."

Medvedev: "Russia needs a strong and stable Ukraine. Predictable and economically wealthy partner, not the beggar always standing with outstretched hand"

Russian Foreign Ministry (Karasin): "We stand for Ukraine to be a prosperous, stable country, a modern state. We do not violate the sovereignty of Ukraine"

Russian Foreign Ministry (Karasin): "Today's agreement to use the Russian army until the normalization of the political situation in Ukraine, means only that the president has a free hand in case the situation will get worse"

Russia - UN (Churkin): "The actions of Russian troops do not exceed the agreement"

Very short and simple overall:

1. Russia accepts Yanukovych as legitime president of Ukraine.
2. Yanukovych's position - united and indivisible Ukraine.
3. Russia accepts the legitimate president position on sovereignty and indivisibility of Ukraine.

Case closed. Question about "russian attack on the territorial integrity" exists no more.

The military status:

1. All existing agreements were concluded with the state system, whose existence is a question now.
2. Political forces who seized power, violated a number of agreements - are unreliable partners.
3. This "new government" includes direct extremists hostile to Russia, many of them have participated directly in terrorist activities in Russia.
4. This "new government" having direct open hostility against Russia is supported the NATO countries.
5. Despite this, Russia stays in edges of existing agreements, but reserves the right to respond in the event of further violations or more direct danger.

The purpose of Russian troops - providing security in the region and Russia itself.

The main task of Russia - to prevent the "big blood" which is strongly provocated by unknown subjects in a way of Serbian scenario as a reason to engage NATO forces in Ukraine.

The Russian army today carries the most thankless job - it takes responsibility instead of Ukrainian armed forces which are in a trap under political pressure.

And in this situation the "new government" has a big trouble which is the Ukrainian people who:

1. Watched how every Maidan protest throws the country deeper into the troubles.
2. Found that the old corruptionary oligarchs are even not replaced by new ones, but just stay at the same place, the maidan opposition lives deep into "Party of Regions".
3. Understood that Europe does not need Ukraine as an equal partner.

That's why the "new government" junta hysterically tries to bullie about "Russian aggression". I hope that the Ukrainian people are much smarter than Tymoshenko thinks, and will not allow themselves to push their heads anymore. The only enemy who can be for the Russian and Ukrainian people are the junta and its extremists. Let the God give us all forces to pass the Time of Troubles and stay and peace.

UPD. Ukrainian police stopped being silent and said they support legal law and do not accept junta and extremists:

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russia, crimea, kiev, nato, ukraine, armed forces

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