aizen-sama=god (but says who?)

Jun 18, 2008 18:11

About You

Name: Kelly
Strengths: I'm fairly secure in my own quirks; I don't look at it at all on the outside, since I don't really express it through clothes or anything, but I thrive on being unique and having an identity. I'm passionate; I invest time in things that appeal/matter to me. I'm creative and contemplative, and (I hope) fairly intelligent. I'm trustworthy, dependable; fiercely loyal (but not blindly). And I'm creative, and idealistic (or close to it) when it comes to the world.
Weaknesses: I live far too much in my own head; my imagination is almost too rich, where I fail to be as active and outwards-looking in my life as I'd wish. I'm moody, very emotional and sensitive, so I retreat into my head a lot. I'm envious, and have an awful inferiority complex. I'm nervous and paranoid, and suck at letting people in--and the few I allow in, I cling to. I just can't let go of the past. I obsess a lot. Possessive. And oddly enough, while being too opinionated and stubborn for my own good, I'm also so indecisive. Despite wanting to help people, I'm kind of challenging? And passive-aggressive? I can be helpful one second, but I sometimes refuse to follow orders when there isn't a good reason for doing so, or at least challenge them. Maybe it's due to my repressed temper? I do repress it well.

Likes:Writing, especially poetry; literature, anime (obviously), philosophy, psychology, debating, very close friendships/relationships, the subjects of astronomy and genetics (although I don’t truly understand either in depth). I like speculating about the world and trying to deepen my understanding of things. I love exploring peoples' heads, and I also get a kick in undermining the way they see me (as some innocent, naive girl). I also like sarcasm, satire, and fandom crack! And I have a random fascination with public transportation; subways, buses, airplanes? I love them all. Just...observing people and sharing that space in time. It's interesting, I suppose. I also love talking about the past.
Dislikes: Prejudice, ignorance, being seen as inferior/being underestimated, apathy, arrogance/pretension, insensitivity/cruelty, jerks in general, boredom, people who don't have any sense of identity, those who smother me.


Friendly or Abrasive? It ...depends. Usually friendly, in a shy-ish sort of way, but there are things that make me more cold and abrasive towards others. I hate when people presume to know me well when in fact they don't; I've actually snapped at friends that "you don't know me as well as well as you think." I've very protective of my identity, and how much I let on to others, I suppose. And although I try to be nurturing, I often am awkward in being kind to others when they're down. I really do care, a lot, but I never know exactly what to do.
Rash or Calculating? Calculating. I can be rash--the repressed temper surfaces sometimes--but usually I'm good at holding back when it's advantageous for myself. I tend to store lists of things people have done wrong in my head in case I ever come into conflict with that person later.
Weak or Strong? It's tricky. Mentally, I can slide from having no confidence to being extremely determined, and possessing a great amount of willpower--even to the point of having some delusions of grandeur, maybe to make up for this lack of confidence I usually have. Physically, not very strong at all, pretty weak; but then, it'd lead others to underestimate me. While it's bothersome, it's also fun to surprise people with the rougher aspects of my personality. It's fun to undermine their knee-jerk judgments.
Intelligent or no? I'd say so, yeah. And I'm a really curious person, which is always a plus. I'd like to think I have a semi-wide rage of interests.
Talkative or Silent? Also varies. If I'm comfortable around someone, I'm more likely to talk my mouth off. But again, I'm shy, so I can also hold back a lot.
Loyal or Independent? Loyal to a select few. Even then, I'm not blind with my loyalty. If I suspect something strange is going down, you better believe my guard will be up and I'll be looking after myself. Especially if it's an authority figure I suspect.


Favorite character and why? Tie. Ichigo, because he's a 'hero' with depth. I love how protective he is of those close to him, and there's a definite sense of honor in him that I wish I possessed. His interaction with the other characters kind of endears me. He's a closet romantic, and that's adorable. And hey, he's cute. And then Soi Fon. I relate to her driving, obsessive edge, but there's also a great sense of crack humor that makes her even more endearing. And she's strong. Representing for us ladies :D
Favorite Arrancar and why? Ulquiorra/Emospada/Ukelala. I blame the interaction with Orihime; whatever chemistry those two have makes watching together just...interesting. Sure, he's all "humans suck, the world sucks, trash trash trash," but I still sense a curiosity regarding humans present in him, which lends some depth to an otherwise bland character. His loyalty to Aizen is something also odd when considering his persona; you'd think a guy like him would be more suspicious. I also like my quirks, so his repetition of "trash trash trash" amuses me. Also partial to Grimmjow, however.
Least favorite character and why? It was Orihime before Hueco Mundo; ever since THE SLAP, she's grown on me a little. Otherwise, I don't know.
Least favorite Arrancar and why? Not sure, honestly.

BLEACH (if you were in Bleach, etc. etc.)

What Hollow class do you think you’d be? (Gillian, Adjuchas, etc.) Probably Adjuchas; I think I'd be more intelligent than a Gillian. And yeah, I'm a weakling now, but I have quite a few repressed issues that, if taken to the grave, no matter how minor, could make me some opponent should I become a Hollow.
Good, evil, or neutral? Neutral. My backstory could make me lean towards either Good or Evil. In actuality, I'd probably lean towards good; I do have certain morals and ideals. But if someone messed with my head enough? Maybe, just maybe, "evil." Whatever that word entails.
So you’re in Aizen’s Arrancar Army…where do you rank (Espada, Número, Privaron Espada, Exequias)? I'd probably serve under an Espada in a Fraccion. I think.
Who would you get along with? ..I think I'd really want respect from Halibel, since she's the only female Espada and, you know, representin'. But they'd probably all underestimate me horribly.
Who would you have issues with? Nnoitra. His sexism would bring out the rasher side of me, definitely. Also, I have no use for the clique-ish antics of Menoly and Loly.
Aizen-sama says jump. WHAT DO YOU DO? Ask if there's a reason. If he asks again, and no reason is given, I probably mutter about how baseless orders only contribute to idleness, but still give a half hearted jump anyway. I'm not crazy or brave enough to defy him, but I'm always annoyed by orders where no logical or rational reason is given.
You’re given strict orders by Aizen to leave the intruders alone. Do you do so or go provoke a fight? I'd leave them alone..physically. I'd go to watch. Spectacles can be fun; maybe I'd taunt them, if I was in the right mood. But I wouldn't touch them. They can fight their fight; it doesn't say much about us as an army if we don't have some structure and just defy orders, and I'd rather not let these intruders think we're weak enough to panic and kill them so quickly.


Any problems with any of the questions? Not at all.
Anything you think should be added? ..Hmm..maybe a question on if one, under Aizen's service, would be more sneaky/underhanded or honest in how they fight?
Anything else (No fanwanking please)? Nope. I'd like explanations for your votes, if you don't mind :)
For the stamp: anime/manga/both (if available)? ...Both?

!stamped, cirucci

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