Jun 03, 2008 13:27

About You

Name: Laura
Strengths: determinated, trustworthy , good listener, honest and realistic
Weaknesses: I'm too lazy for my own good, pessimistic, stubborn, cynical, unpredictable, easily distracted, impatient

Likes: Reading, cats, animals, video games, travelling, my friends, music, summer, chocolate, the internet, happy endings
Dislikes: Close-minded people, trains, waking up early, homework, rain, mediocrity, liars, spiders, discrimination, ignorance, bugs, homework

Friendly or Abrasive? Friendly
Rash or Calculating? Rash, calculation isn't my thing
Weak or Strong? Uhm.. Do you mean physically or mentally? Mentally I think I'm strong but physically not really...
Intelligent or no? Intelligent
Talkative or Silent? Somewhere in between
Loyal or Independent? Loyal if I have a good reason to be, if not I'd rather be independent

Favorite character and why? I like Urahara! he makes the hat look cool!
Favorite Arrancar and why? Ulquiorra, not sure why I just like him
Least favorite character and why? can't think of anyone now
Least favorite Arrancar and why? Aaroniero and Yummy

BLEACH (if you were in Bleach, etc. etc.)
What Hollow class do you think you’d be? (Gillian, Adjuchas, etc.) Gillian
Good, evil, or neutral? Evil or neutral
So you’re in Aizen’s Arrancar Army…where do you rank (Espada, Número, Privaron Espada, Exequias)? Numeros I hope
Who would you get along with? I would try to get along with everyone
Who would you have issues with? Uhm.. Probably Aizen and Yummy
Aizen-sama says jump. WHAT DO YOU DO? I don't really want to do this but i'm too young to die so .. jump
You’re given strict orders by Aizen to leave the intruders alone. Do you do so or go provoke a fight? Provoke a fight of course! I want to kick some ass

Any problems with any of the questions? Nothing that I can think of
Anything you think should be added? Nope
Anything else (No fanwanking please)? No
For the stamp: anime/manga/both (if available)? both if available

d-roy, !stamped

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