Title: Proud to be Sunshine
Rating: G
Challenge: Sun
Word count: 100
Summary: Arthur just wants to make his father proud.
A/N: I keep getting this feeling i've done something wrong. Whether its the posting or the fact that this is less sun and more a certain type of sunshine...
Arthur could see him. His father, the man who wanted this, sitting in the front row gazing at him in his usual stony faced expression. Somewhere in that face was hope, he was sure.
He didn’t care that everyone in his class laughed at him when they found out he was in this competition, he didn’t care he hated this; he just wanted to make his father proud.
A flood of nerves he’d never felt before all rushed to the surface so fast he almost didn’t hear it.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Little Mr. Sunshine award goes to...Arthur Pendragon!”