Just spent way, way, way too much time raging at my 360 because it wouldn't turn off. It kept whirring. It never did that until it installed a whole bunch of crappy updates (which built up into me creating a cracked out Lady Gaga wannabe hipster possibly on meth as my avatar, but I am digressing!) in order to play Bayonetta
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Comments 7
And oh no is it the spider boss in Okami because. Don't let the game fool you, it may be the first real boss but it's like, also the hardest boss in the entire game I swear. Stupid vines do not cooperate. But you can do iiittt!
Meanwhile, hooray for more meme photos! This one's adorable, love your expression. : ) Disney photos are win.
I think I read that I only need to connect two? I flipped out because I thought I had to get a bunch more and I can only connect one before I accidentally slash it off. AUGH.
I am incapable of taking normal pictures! ...and when I try, I look drunk. :(
KAAAAT I'm so lonely
I still need your delicious liver!
And yeah, the little... power thingie? (i'm so technical) on the 360 will keep making noise to charge the controller if you have it plugged in. Handy provided it's not in your room and pissing you off with its noisy...
Re: vine - I never had that much trouble with it? o_oa The first boss is difficult until you figure out the hang of Vine, but once you get it it's like riding a bicycle. You won't forget!
It's actually super useful, but I keep my 360 in a little cupboard thing and I squash it with games and stuff when it's not in use... and late at night I just want to SLEEP and not wait for that dead controller to charge. (Also, the 360 is such a noisy beast.)
I'm hoping I was just getting tired and frustrated. I was fine when it was just connecting the flowers to Ammy, but the hooks? Nononono.
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