Title: Second Shift
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh is the intellectual property of Kazuki Takahashi. I write only as a much-needed mental health break, and don't make any money off this.
Summary: They've been meeting like this for some time now, in the half-darkness of Ryou's bedroom, at whatever ridiculous hour of the night Ryou arrives home from his
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Comments 2
"Career shift" vs "redemption" is great. It's nice to see Malik hasn't lost all his disdain for authority even as a good guy.
And the bit with the liberated tombkeepers - !!! I love the ideas there desperately - that they went to free the others Tombkeepers, that Malik had a minute sense of responsibility about them, and 3, RISHID'S PART OF THE FAMILY NOW. ;__;
At the end of the day, they both just want...freedom. Even from each other.
No wonder this ship is called Angstshipping. The current character of their relationship really works, but I like that both of them have yearnings for more genuine closeness.
RISHIIIIIID. ;A; I love him to pieces. And I'm sure that while Malik's floundering over here, not knowing what to do with himself, Rishid is being a good and just leader and generally having his shit together. But still missing his siblings. Calling home regularly. I love Rishid ( ... )
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