Title: The Thief
arliddianRating: PG
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters/Pairing: Bobby/Rogue
Summary: Bobby takes ice cream very seriously...
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: Prompt -
Ice cream. First fic of 2012 and it's a very silly drabble. Oh well!
Warnings: Nil
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
After two weeks of interrogations (during which he managed to thoroughly frighten all of the younger students), withdrawal symptoms (irritability, shaking, terrible cravings) and increasingly ridiculous methods of securing the contents of the freezer (including an elaborate video monitoring system), Bobby finally discovered the ice cream thief.
He stormed into an empty classroom and caught her bare-handed, her gloves on the table, licking the remnants from her fingers. And as she looked up at him guiltily, attempting a placating smile with sticky lips, he found his heart melting right along with the half-eaten tub of ice cream on the desk.