Title: Red Herrings
arliddianRating: PG
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Rory, mention of Amy, River and the Doctor
Summary: Rory has had enough.
Word Count: 100 (drabble!)
Author's Note: Prompt -
Red Herring.
Warnings: Nil.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
First, he finds himself in Roman armour, turned into a plastic thing as a distraction - a trap - for Amy and the Doctor.
Then he watches Amy dissolve before his eyes, nothing but a high-end imitation while his real wife has been lost, trapped and alone, carrying a baby they never knew existed.
And finally, he discovers that the beautiful daughter he fought legions of Cybermen for, the baby he only got to hold once, was just a piece of elaborate bait.
Their time with the Doctor has turned them into a family of red herrings, and Rory has had enough.