Russian cuisine :: Cold soups

Aug 29, 2014 11:56

russian cuisinefirst dishes ⟩ cold soups

These dishes are made mainly in summer. They are usually served with radish, horseradish, mustard and ice pieces or cooled to 10-14°C. All cold soups are made immediately before serving, because after standing even for a short time, they "soak" and lose much in taste. Vegetables for cold soups are cut into slices, cubes, strips, onions are chopped and rubbed with a wooden spoon with salt until the juice appears.

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Botvinya is a cold soup with kvass from boiled beet tops, nettles and orach, green onions, cucumbers and lightly cooked red fish, both fresh and salted-smoked. In addition, starflower (borage) and dill are added to the botvinya. A kvass base for botvinya can be a dark bread kvass mixed with less than a third of white "okroshechny" kvass. By the nature of the soup part of the botvinyas is divided into simple and steaming, the latter is different in that in addition to kvass it has an acid steaming ferment of flour and kvass.
Tyurya is a liquid cold dish, which is bread crumbled into kvass with the addition of finely chopped or mashed vegetables, green or onions, and other herbs. It is used immediately for cooking, tyurya is not made for future use. The fact that the tyurya is simple in comparison with other soups, as well as the lack of meat and fats in the tyurya created them "glory" dishes for the poor, and this, in turn, led to the fact that the tyurya began to wander restaurant cuisine.
Okroshka is a cold soup on kvass, in which the main component is not bread, like in tyurya, but vegetable mass. This mass can be mixed with cold boiled meat or fish in a ratio of 1:1. Depending on this okroshka is called vegetable, meat or fish. Vegetables of two kinds - some neutral or fresh to taste (boiled potatoes, turnips, carrots, rutabaga and fresh cucumbers), others - spicy and sharp (dill, parsley, celery, garlic-feather). The dish is well cooked, if none of its ingredients stand out, and they all together give a characteristic taste of okroshka.
Svekolnik is a cold liquid dish resembling Russian okroshka, and partly also a botvinya, but differing from them in composition of the main products and appearance. Svekolnik is cooked on beet broth, add beet kvass, cucumber brine, lemon juice or citric acid, and also sorrel. The bulk of the dense part of the svekolnik is chopped beets and young blanched tops, which are added to green onions, dill, sorrel, finely chopped fresh cucumbers, borage, and cut in half cool eggs and sour cream.
Shchuchina is a chilled ukha with kvass, parsley and horseradish. From botvinya, the fish is distinguished by the fact that the fish broth is mixed with kvass, and for botvinya only kvass comes. Fish for the shchuchina - not necessarily pike: this soup is prepared from sturgeon, burbot, zander, char, trout, ruffe, other river fish (and not necessarily river), and most often from a mixture of different fish. Crayfish are also added to the shchuchina.
Kroshevo is a liquid cold dish, which is a meat crumbled into kvass, or diluted kvass sour chopped cabbage. The name "kroshevo", in general, quite accurately explains the requirement for the ingredients, namely: they must be crumbled. Further ingredients (cabbage or meat) must be moistened with vegetable oil, pepper and pour into the dressing. In the traditional old recipe for pouring tiny special kvass or its mixture with ordinary bread kvass is used.
Pokhmelka is a liquid cold dish that is considered a good hangover remedy. The pokhmelka is made on the basis of boiled cold lamb and pickles, cut into small pieces and filled with cucumber brine. Pokhmelka is seasoned with black pepper and green onions. The dish is cold, so does not cause a sharp rejection. To make the dish it is necessary cucumber pickle without any hint of vinegar.
Gribnoy kvass is a liquid dish, which is made on the basis of sour bread kvass and mushrooms, with the addition of a fourth of the water. Mushrooms can be taken both dried and fresh, and as additives can be used dried fish or even meat. The taste of mushroom kvass is sour-spicy. Used this soup mainly in cold, but also in hot form (in winter).

cold soups

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