with the addition of the Cstr() command, or whatever it is (bloody beast, hours on Google and in MSDN, and all i could find was number type converters), my work project surged ahead for a few days, until I slammed hard into some design paradigms that aren't quite fully gelled. Input, authentication, interface, sequencing, and consolidation of the code itself- my head hurts. But it has been fun, as far as it goes; I'm already dreading the next slow space to come.
Not much room in the world for 40 year old wannabe programmers with intermittant flashes of brilliance, je?
Eh. I'm feeling pretty decent today actually; having some nice chats with a number of folks via the phone last night and this morning helped. Normally, 'friends' to me are inherently fragile things that will dry up and blow away at the wrong touch- the circumstances that led to this view are complex and deep, but yeah, such an attitude helps neither my social life or my self esteem. Lately, circumstance have gone some way to reminding me how wrong that idea is, but still, sucha change takes some getting used to.
Rode the BART in to avoid the rain; their
redesigned website is almost thoroughly useless now, and it took 20 minutes more and three dollars to get me here on time. And they wonder why no one goes to Millbrae station... The weeknd looks busy tho wet- Old Masters want to meet, but it's along wet ride down...
Hugs, ya'll.