Apr 12, 2008 23:07
AT LAST. I have finally fucking seen Les Valseuses! Arrived yesterday - watched it tonight with hubby (who's a bit weirded out, I think ;)
Funny, daft, sexy, homoerotic (no!), aback-taking, nonsensical, undergrad and brilliantly shaggy not-quite-road film... Depardieu, Dewaere, Moreau... oh squuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Gorgeous locations, too... he has this almost Wendersy sense of space, but so much warmer.
Yes yes yes yes yes. Confession time: I love Blier's stuff, even (and perhaps especially) when he's behaving like a three-year-old who's just discovered that shouting 'poo' at people gets a reaction. :) He provokes with charm, somehow...
Tenue de Soiree is still my all-time favourite, but this is now firmly in second place. Just. Am severely tempted to stay up all night making Nakey Dep'n'Dew icons :)