Foxglove Legacy 1.5, part one

Aug 15, 2011 13:10

Greetings! This update is a rather hefty two-parter since I feel like I can't play the family again until I finally catch up with my game. DX

Previously, baby Viola was born and neglected even as she aged into a toddler and child. Royal grew up supermegafoxyawesomehot adorable, while Tuesday and Schuyler found themselves some romantic interests. Polly went batshit crazy on the twins in her anger at them throwing a ~teen party~ but Kingston was a softie and un-grounded them.

We begin this update with Kingston (lostavenuea) using brute force to smite inanimate objects. KINGSTON VERSUS WASHING MACHINE: BATTLE OF THE AGES.

Kingston: I...will...not...lose! I have the strength of Titans!

Well...sorry to say this, but Kingston lost. Maybe someday he can request a rematch.

Tuesday: Huh? What'd you say, Carver? I can't hear you over the sound of my brother falling off the treadmill.

Royal: Mark my words, this will never happen again! I am athletic, you hear? Athletic!

I sometimes doubt that Royal is the sim in the house with all positive traits. It seems like he has a hidden Loser trait in there somewhere (which I actually find really adorable, but yeah).

And here is Polly's ever-expanding garden. I kind of sucked at organizing it well, but I love how the life fruit and flame fruit glows in the early morning light. :)

Fun fact: Royal iss pumped about laundry. All. The. Time. He even rolls wishes to do the laundry daily.

I, however, am pumped about his bunny slippers.

And it's a good thing that Royal cleans up often, because the Foxgloves' maid enjoys standing around, complaining about Viola's imaginary friend, Peaches.

Continuing the trend of OMG ROYAL, here's a picture of him in the wild, doing what he does best: being hip. Observe his nonchalance, his crew neck grey sweater. The moustache. His utter engrossment in a novel - the title of which you have never heard. His glasses which are most likely unnecessary for perfect vision, but absolutely required for looking fashionable.

Schuyler: Oh, hey, Viola! You're still living with us? I thought you went to boarding school!

Viola: I wish I was at boarding school so I didn't have to deal with you guys.

I imagine Viola as a young sim with a lot of repressed (or not-so-repressed) anger.

Royal: Oh, bunny slippers, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Royal spends his free time in several ways: working out, reading, and relaxing on his bunk bed (in a room he shares with his three sisters, poor guy) while gazing lovingly at his shoes or slippers.

Tuesday, however, still prefers to set pranks for her family members as a way of having fun.

And she must have improved her sneaking skills, because she hardly even gets caught in the act anymore.

Tuesday: Heh heh, you know I'm awesome.

Viola: Why don't you sit in a chair like every sane person in this house, Sky?

And thus Viola's disdain of Schuyler continues. :|

Tuesday finally discovered the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium potion (only after getting singed countless times, of course), so she gave some to Viola. Whether it was in an effort to cheer her up or just to get her kid sister out of her hair, who knows.

Tuesday: Here you go. Now have fun with Peaches, since you actually seem to like your imaginary friend.

Viola: She could really use some makeup...

Lots of resentment, this child has. Like Yoda, I speak.

So, Viola runs off and gives Peaches said potion. Since the only sim Viola ever enjoys interacting with is Peaches, he doesn't mind at all drinking a potentially hazardous substance for her.

Peaches: Woah, this feels a bit bizarre.

I love this kid. LOVE. I mean, I made him over so that he wasn't a puddingface vanilla EA townie, but still. So, prepare yourself for some spam of Peaches.

Peaches: Curiouser and curiouser...this frozen dairy dessert is surprisingly delectable...

Yes, I imagine him speaking like that. No, it doesn't make any sense.

Peaches even gets awesome moodlets.

Since there isn't any more room in the house for beds, Peaches gets to sleep (and play, of course) in the treehouse.

Peaches: O Bromeo, Bromeo, wherefore art thou Bromeo?

Peaches: Deny thy belligerence and refuse thy polo shirts; or if thou wilt not,

Peaches: Be but sworn my respect and I'll no longer be around to see you annoy me.

Hmm, I don't think the inflection was quite right...

I think Shakespeare would enjoy this interpretation of his work.

Kingston: So, uh...when'd you show up, kid? I mean, I like your hair and all, and it's cool if you want to crash here...but you might want to at least introduce yourself to the adults in the house.

Peaches: ...uh, well, this is awkward, but you know that doll Viola was always playing with and singing to? My clothes look similar to that doll's clothes, don't they? That's because...well, I am that doll in, um, sim form.

Kingston: Oh, cool, man! Make yourself at home, then!

Peaches: All hail King Peaches! You better give me some R-E-S-P-E-C-T if you don't want to meet an unfortunately early death!

/Peaches spam

Tuesday: Pssst, Mom, I've got a secret to tell you!

Polly: Oooh, I love secrets! Do tell!

Tuesday: Well, I asked a really cute boy if he'd date me, and he said yes!

Polly: Oh, so you're at that boy-crazy age now? Just remember to use protection!

Tuesday: ....We haven't even gone on a date yet, Mom. Speaking of, Carver's (kittenmittons) coming over in a few minutes. He said he wanted to meet my family.

Awkwardness is strong in the Foxglove clan.

Polly: So this is your boyfriend, Tuesday?

Schuyler: Girl please, all they did was make out a few times and now they're a ~couple~?

Tuesday: Mom, do you really have to do this in your underwear? And Schuyler, just...go. Away. Please excuse them, Carver.

Carver: Don't worry about it! If they're your family, they can't be too bad. And anyway, I came over so I could ask you something.

Tuesday: Please tell me you didn't take my ridiculous question about shotgun marriages as an indication that I wanted to actually have one...

Carver: *cough* No, no. Not at all. Seriously, Tuesday...I want to know if you'll be my prom date.

Tuesday: Oh, of course! I thought it was obvious we'd be going together, Mr. Boyfriend.

Well, Schuyler did leave the room at her sister's request, but only to stand around in the hallway while her parents commenced a snogging session 5 feet away. Fun times.

Tuesday: Yo, kids. What's up? Oh, wait...Peaches? So you're the one Viola was always singing to when she was alone in her crib. I could hear her doing it through the wall.

Viola: That's only because nobody in this house knows an infant needs love and attention. Although it'd be nice if you could help us with our History homework right now. That could make up for being neglected a little bit.

Tuesday: All you need to know about is the Defenestration of Prague. May 23, 1618. Catholics get thrown out of a window by Protestants and somehow survive, and then a 30-year-long war ends up starting. Trust me on this.

Peaches: Well, that's cool and all, but first I think I need some help with getting my notebook removed from my hand...

This young lass, my friends, is an oddly-dressed Florence Knightly, who I really hope is by sixamsims  because I could've sworn she was, but there isn't a post for her at that journal, so...

This is also Royal attempting to woo Florence (that also happens to be the name of my grandma, hehe)...and failing. Maybe it's because his pick-up line was the ever-effective "ay girl, yo mamma let you date?"

Birthday time for Viola and Peaches.

Viola: Finally, I'll have some real independence.

Schuyler: I don't know what I'm cheering for! WOO!

Peaches: I get to go to high school! Fun!

Royal: Oh, that's the kid Dad told me about? Huh. Looks like an OK guy to me.

Even though Viola is a total Polly clone, I think she's cute anyway, so here's some spam of her face.

I still forgot to write down her traits...I'll say what they are eventually, I promise.


Peaches: Is this what growing up is like?!

Oh, damn. Wow. He turned out really well, to put it lightly.

Well, since Peaches is so damn attractive, I decided to see if he and Viola would be compatible.

Peaches: Be still, my heart!


Now THAT, my friends, is one sexy smolder.

Viola: Ah, so this is what lust is like.

The shy kiss interaction is just so damn cute. :3

Meanwhile...what is going on? A bitchface contest?

Polly: Don't think that just because you're my progeny you can try to act weirder than me.

Schuyler: Check yourself before you wreck yourself, Mom.

They're actually bffs most of the time, but lately Polly's been pretty cranky, it seems. Her way of coping with aging, I suppose?

Awwww. They do make a cute couple after all. And I don't think it's too much of a loss that if I pair Viola off with Peaches she can't continue the legacy, considering her clone status.

Oh, wow. Um. You kids sure moved fast. And on your parents' bed, really? Maybe Polly should've tried to talk about the birds and the bees with Viola instead of Tuesday.

Royal doing two of the things he does best: be sunnily cheerful, and working out.

Schuyler: Oh, hey, fancy meeting you here. I've been hoping to see you. I never do in school.

Pericles (brilliantcat): Haha, that's probably because you're too busy doodling to notice. But it's all good. I wanted to see you, too.

Schuyler: Well - and I don't mean to be weird or rush things - would you possibly want to be my escort to prom?

Pericles: More than that, how about I be your boyfriend, too?

Hi, townie with weird hair!

Tuesday: Do you have any shame? Seriously, kid, I'm okay with you living here, but why do you follow Viola around all the time like a lost puppy?

Peaches: The sky sure is an interesting shade of blue today...

I think Tuesday had a point. This just...takes their relationship to a new level.

Tuesday: Ah, is that adventure I see on the horizon? How it tantalizes me! *Sigh* I can't wait until we have enough money to go somewhere interesting.

<3 ilu Tuesday. The family will go to Shang Simla or something eventually.

But first, prom! ...Schuyler decided to go in her martial arts clothing, it seems.

So Royal and Tuesday are prom king and queen. Interesting.

Hahahaha, I love you, Royal. Never change.

Except I felt so bad for him when these popped up... :'(

Am I really surprised about them being inseparable? Is anyone?

Of course, Polly and KIngston saw the kids' prom night as a window for Woohoo (they kept autonomously doing least four times...).

In the end, TuesdayxCarver and SchuylerxPericles also got lots of cute couple pop-ups, but I decided to just sum it all up with this picture (except there wasn't room for Schuyer and Pericles' photo, so I put it somewhere else). Notice Royal's forever alone prom picture. ;~; But I wonder why Carver went dressed like that.

While this made me a bit sad, it also made me laugh. I still think he has a hidden loser trait somewhere.

That doesn't stop him from being the jolly young lad he is, though.

Birthday time for the twins!

Schuyler: You get a cake, too? I thought the only people who could have birthday cakes were the ones who can see parallel worlds.

Tuesday: Let's just go ahead and do this, okay, Sky?

Tuesday: Yeah, I'm finally gonna be able to stay out without a curfew!

Schuyler: Why aren't I more excited?

Of course Polly and Kingston are in their underwear. No wonder these kids have grown up so weird.


I felt that the first occurrence of legacy hair just had to be documented.

Then it's time for a mini-photoshoot with the girls. Schuyler magically became a virtuoso as she became a young adult.

Schuyler: What are you doing?! Capturing my face like this could turn me into a ghost! Speaking of ghosts, her Lifetime Wish is to be a Paranormal Profiteer.

Tuesday: When are we going to go adventuring? I thirst for the thrill of tomb-raiding and relic-hunting. Tuesday's Lifetime Wish is, in fact, to be a boss tomb raider.

Tuesday realized she wanted to reduce animal cruelty and transition to vegetarianism upon venturing into adulthood.

The lighting changed drastically for this picture, but I just loved her smile too much to not include it.

One day, I notice the family has a creepy vampire gnome, I guess because Polly was growing vampire fruit. It's named Godzilla.

Schuyler starts work pretty much immediately, and she seems to really do well at it.

I want to be a rock star, and travel really far, and buy me a big expensive car.
And make lots of money and find me a honey.
And live in nice big house where it's sunny.
With a pool and I'll be cool.
I'll always have a gig cause I'll be big.
I'll have parties and friends and places to go,
The only problem is I play the banjo.

Sadly, those are actual song lyrics.

I got a notification that Carver had aged up, too, so Tuesday's wish to see her beau was granted.

Tuesday: Hello, dearest. It seems like only yesterday we were teens at prom.

Carver: I know just what you mean. If it's possible, you've gotten even more beautiful since then.

At least they're still hot for each other.

Aww bb. :'(

Oh by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I love Kingston. ♥

Tuesday: I know I said before that I wasn't serious about shotgun marriages...

Carver: Yeah, I recall what's up? Why are you down on one knee?

Tuesday: Well, I just love you so much that I can't put this off after all. So how would you like to marry into this crazy family and be my husband?

Carver: Of course I want to! Look at how shiny this ring is...Does this mean unlimited sex?

And with that, Carver moves in and is engaged to Tuesday. :)

I gave Kingston a wee makeover now that he's elderly.

Kingston: Ah, I love the early morning air, the breeze in my hair...

Kingston: And this fucking awesome cane! Shazam!

And that's when I got sick of the house they were living in. I tried to wait until they had enough money for me to build a house I'd be okay with for a long time, and before the kids went to prom, Polly got a huge bonus from her gardening career. I was pretty ecstatic that I'd finally be able to build them a decent home.

And here it is. Because I'm lazy (and stupid), I moved them to a different lot instead of bulldozing the one on which they were already living.

Anyway, it's got a kind of funky layout with a courtyard in the center and a room for the hot tub they will have as soon as they have enough simoleons to spare. It's also HOLYSHITCOLORFUL and pretty bright, because I like my sims' homes bright and cheery. The bad thing was that I had some bad CC wall art at this point which made me unable to use ANY paintings/posters/etc, so you won't see any of that in this house for a while. And though nobody really cares, here's an incomplete tour of the house.

This is the ~prom showcase~ in the living room. As you can see, there's lots of windows, just the way I like it. That's a view of the courtyard. :)

There's a small pool and clothesline in the courtyard, and not much else at this point.

The kitchen, which I love. Lucky cat! :3 I didn't really intend for it to appear so patriotic, but blue and red seemed to work well together. *shrug*

The dining area. I really want to redo this room.

My personal favorite room, the study.

Looks like Carver isn't too sure about his new digs.

Carver: Why are there so many flowers?

Since Polly and Kingston both had wishes to send Peaches and Viola off to boarding school (seriously, Viola was just destined to be a neglected spare), I oblige them. School of Peace and Love, yo.

Kingston: So you don't do military training there? You do what?

I guess Kingston would've preferred to send them to military school. It's okay, you veteran, you. Could you really see Peaches doing military drills?

Damn, is anyone in this family pleased that they moved to a nice, new, spacious house? Like it or not, you're living here.

Carver's Lifetime Wish is to be a Forensic Analyst (or whatever the job title is), so he immediately joins the Law Enforcement career.

Meanwhile, Polly works on replanting her garden.

Ah, this couple is so exciting. Epic chess matches played while sitting in cute animal chairs must really invigorate their love life.

Tuesday: So, I move these white pieces, right?

Carver: I suppose that'd make sense...although I'm not sure how I should move these smaller it forward one or diagonally two?

Kingston likes the pool, at least. :D

Viola and Peaches spend their last night at the house doing what sims do best: play video games.

Peaches: You'll never beat me!

Viola: Just watch me.

Peaches: WHAT? How did you KO me? You were at 200%!

Viola: Smashes are your friend, bro.

Peaches: Now look who's KO'd!

Viola: That's only because you were being cheap and spamming me!

Aw, Peaches. I admit I'll be sad to see your hotness gone away to boarding school.

And even though I don't pay her hardly any attention, I'll miss Viola, too.

Um...Squishy? Why are that? That's just really creepy. And you have that default townie face, ew.

Schuyler's fierce, though, so she's not bothered by her freaky IF. Or maybe she's so crazy it makes sense to her.

Ah, the first meal at the house is pancakes. Of course. Also, Kingston and Carver look incredibly awkward here.

Carver: Should I talk to him? I mean, he's my future father-in-law, but what would I say? "Hi, I love Tuesday, and I also love having sex with her?" Hell, no.

Kingston: That boy wants to marry Tuesday...I don't like him. Maybe I can tell him to go away telepathically. Go...away....

Carver is unaffected by Kingston's attempt at telepathy. Or maybe his love for Tuesday is so strong it protected him. Either way, here's the happy couple spooning.

Schuyler: ACK! I almost burned my finger off!

Geez, don't scare me like that. I was worried she'd caught fire or something.

Schuyler: Well, uh, how should I go about this again?

Schuyler: Aha! This unlit blowtorch did the trick!

I love how the inventions and widgets just ~poof~ from one thing to another.

Peaches: Is that my foot clipping through my slipper? Weird.

Peaches: Oh wait, you're looking at my bum, aren't you?

Heehee, of course not. Now, since I obviously take way too many pictures of this family, onward to part two.

foxglove, !ts3, !sims

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