Books Read in 2008

Feb 14, 2008 11:05

So last year, I only had 7 books read. That's not even 1 a month. WTF? That is abysmal and must be rectified. No question about it.

So this is my list of 2008 books read...
  • Box Lunch: The Layperson's Guide to Cunnilingus (Get It on) by Diana Cage
    Heh...The list of names for a girl's bits and for going down on a girl are with the price of the book alone. That the author gives good info in a conversational way is a definite plus. I'm glad I picked this up in SoCal.
  • Carnal Knowledge: Essential Sex Trivia, edited by Ian Jackson
    There's a lot of fun, weird trivia in this one. Definitely amused me and made me glad I bought it in SoCal.
  • Blue Sky Sideways & Other Stories by Alison Tyler
    This was one of shatterpath's books from when she worked in a bookstore [I've forgotten the name atm]. It's got some yummy, hot girlie action and themes. Booya!
  • Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire
    What an absolutely fascinating book. I'm still not 100% sure I loved it, but it was one of the best reads I've had in a while...
  • Wicked: The Grimmerie, A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Hit Broadway Musical by David Cote
    QUITE glad that I got this one. All of the info from the various people who made up this musical? It made my geeky!theatre-girl heart swell and get all giddy...
  • Son of a Witch: A Novel by Gregory Maquire
    Just finished this one... What a fascinating book. There were several points where I really had no fucking clue where Maguire was going with it. And even having read it, I really, really want to see inside that man's mind... And now I anxiously await the third book that he's supposedly writing. I want to know what he's basing it on, tho' I have my suspicions, based on the ending of this book...
  • Acorna: The Unicorn Girl by Anne McCaffrey
    Wow... This was NOT what I was expecting. At. All. Rather high on the FAIL list for me. I'd really like those hours back that I spent reading this one. I'm not that big into the really hardcore scifi anyway, but thought that I would like this because I like McCaffrey and the thought of a unicorn-girl fascinated me. But I just couldn't get into it. And then when they finally revealed the bad guy whose name/nickname escapes me atm? What a fucking LETDOWN!!! SO not gonna get a rec from me on this one...
  • Mirror Mirror: A Novel by Gregory Maguire
    Okay, so this one was not exactly what I'd expected. It was interesting. I can now say that I've read it. But it won't be high on my "reread it" list. The whole thing was very different...and I was wanting to read something else almost from the start. I can see why Wicked is Maguire's most popular book. It's also the one that's most well-written.
  • Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister: A Novel by Gregory Maguire
    Yeah, I've started this one. It's more interesting so far than Mirror Mirror, but still not quite up to par with Wicked. But I'm not having as many issues reading this one as I did with Mirror Mirror.
  • Sea Magic by Sandra Kynes
    Wow. I picked up this book at Edge of the Circle yesterday because it looked interesting. And srsly? With all my water/ocean-based juju and such? Yeah, you know why I picked up the book, right? And it's a 2008 publication. It was fate, yo! So I'm already about 35 page away [out of 170] from finishing this puppy. I got the book half-done in about an hour or so... What a fucking fascinating read!
  • The Rosary: A Journey to the Beloved by Gary Jansen
    It was a basic intro into the Rosary, but definitely very Catholic in its makeup. I'd been looking for something with a little more into using the Rosary, so I can make educated leaps into making my pagan versions, but this book didn't do it. Oh well... *shrugs*
  • The Oathbound (Vows and Honor, Book 1) by Mercedes Lackey
    It's actually been YEARS since I've last read this book. And the funny thing about it? I'd forgotten almost everything in the book on this reread!
  • Oathbreakers (Vows and Honor, Book 2) by Mercedes Lackey
    It's actually been YEARS since I've last read this book. And the funny thing about it? I'd forgotten almost everything in the book on this reread!
  • Oathblood (Vows and Honor, Book 3) by Mercedes Lackey
    It's actually been YEARS since I've last read this book. And the funny thing about it? I'd forgotten almost everything in the book on this reread!
  • Watch Your F*cking Language: How to swear effectively, explained in explicit detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday life by Sterling Johnson
    Totally funny book! And actually gave me some great new phrases to use and trivia.
  • English as a Second F*cking Language: How to Swear Effectively, Explained in Detail with Numerous Examples Taken From Everyday Life by Sterling Johnson
    Totally funny book! And actually gave me some great new phrases to use and trivia.
  • St. Mary Magdalene: The Gnostic Tradition of the Holy Bride by Tau Malachi
    What a truly fascinating book. Certainly a different approach to the Magdalene tomes I've read previously... A very different approach to the Magdalene stories. I'm both intrigued and dissuaded by the information in the book, and that may well be due to the Xtian tone of the book. I'll continue chewing on this for a while longer, I think.
  • Bed: New Lesbian Erotica edited by Victoria A. Brownworth
    There are some interesting stories in this book. A few are duds for me, but YMMV. It was okay. Not zOMG! great, but good. Not as many stories that really stuck out as I'd like, but it was good.
  • Steve and Me: Life with the Crocodile Hunter by Terri Irwin
    We bought this book pretty much the minute it came out, but I didn't get around to reading it right away. shatterpath read it first and warned me I'd cry at the end. And I did. But you know what? It was worth it. I don't care what anyone else says about him, Steve Irwin was an incredible man and still remains one of the people I strive to be like. 'Nuff said.
  • People of the Raven (First North Americans) by Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W. Michael Gear
    I read this one first earlier this spring after picking it up at Costco because it sounded fascinating. I had no idea just how fascinating it would be. My goal is now to own and read all of the books in the series.
  • People of the Wolf (The First North Americans series, Book 1) by by Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W. Michael Gear
    This is a fucking fascinating series. I want all of the books in the little paperback size. Period.
  • People of the Fire (The First North Americans series, Book 2) by by Kathleen O'Neal Gear & W. Michael Gear
    If the Gears are going to be doing this interweaving of the past histories into each successive book, I'm gonna be a very fucking happy camper....
  • The Initiate by Louise Cooper
    Wow! I picked this up at Value Village because it sounded vaguely interesting. There's no vaguely about it. I now need to find books 2 and 3 in this series to complete my collection and read the whole thing. There were some kneejerk reactions to wording and editing choices that reminded me of not-well beta'd fic by a favorite author. You know the kind: not up to snuff for your tastes, but you really like the author and/or the plot is absolutely fascinating enough to mostly block out the editing faux pas.
  • The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
    I've known about this book for ages and kept saying "I'll get to it, I'll get to it." But I never did. And then, while on the epic adventure from Bremerton to Winnipeg, I found a used copy of the trade paperback size for like $3 in a gas station in either Idaho or eastern Washington on our first day out. I didn't start reading it until the last couple days of the journey, but I devoured this puppy in about 4 days, give or take. My butt went numb several times from sitting on the toilet because I got so caught up in this book. Definitely one of my favorites now.
  • The Gaia Project: 2012; The Earth's Coming Great Changes by Hwee-Yong Jang
    This one was initially on my list partially because it's just a fascinating prospect and partially because of shatterpath's stories based off the Shadowrun RPG games. I'm curious to see what will happen with 2012... But I have stopped with this book. It was utterly crap; I couldn't even get past the initial introductory chapters. I'm listing it as read, but it's not completed and never will be. I don't even want it in my library anymore.
  • Charlotte's Web by E. B. White
    Reread to the millionth degree! My mother gave me the "trilogy" for my 8th birthday and I fell in love with all three books pretty much instantly. I decided in November to get myself a set of them again [thank you, ebay!] because my original sent was lost. These books are the literary equivalent to comfort food to me, and I'm SO fucking glad to have them in my possession again...
  • The Trumpet of the Swan by E. B. White
    This is my #1 favorite of the whole series and caused my fascination with swans [and geese].
    Reread to the millionth degree! My mother gave me the "trilogy" for my 8th birthday and I fell in love with all three books pretty much instantly. I decided in November to get myself a set of them again [thank you, ebay!] because my original sent was lost. These books are the literary equivalent to comfort food to me, and I'm SO fucking glad to have them in my possession again...
  • The Green Wiccan Year by Silja
    This is actually more of a pagan "perpetual day planner" kind of book, but there are things to read in it, so I'm including it! I actually really like this book and will be filling in all of the important things I need to keep track of for the family.

And my list of books I want to read yet [ie. my reading list]


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