ShatterStorm Productions Updates...

Dec 02, 2006 13:28

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2 December 2006

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Comments 10

ralst December 2 2006, 21:37:55 UTC
Off on a tangent but what's with the 'Day Without Art'? Is that connected to World AIDS Day and, if so, why?


ariestess December 2 2006, 21:48:34 UTC
Day Without Art is connected to World AIDS Day.

According to this site,Day Without Art (DWA) began in 1989 as a national day of action and mourning in response to the AIDS crisis. To make the public aware that AIDS can touch everyone and inspire positive action, eight hundred US art and AIDS groups participated in the first Day Without Art, shutting down museums, sending staff to volunteer at AIDS services or sponsoring special exhibitions of work about AIDS. Since then, Day Without Art has grown into a collaborative project in which an estimated 8,000 museums, galleries, art centers, AIDS Service Organizations, libraries, high schools & colleges take part on both the national and international level.

Does that help? I just assumed everyone knew what it was... And I'm a dolt, as I forget to post the graphics each year on my LJ and our sites...


ralst December 2 2006, 23:01:27 UTC
Thanks. I'd seen the term before but didn't know the connection.


ariestess December 2 2006, 23:31:12 UTC


seftiri December 3 2006, 02:02:22 UTC
I think, due to my current health issues, I am going to have to bow out of the Advent Calendar this year after all.

I'm sorry. I had really oped to be able to participate this year.

Maybe next year.


ariestess December 3 2006, 02:58:06 UTC
Oh, that's terrible, but totally understandable. shatterpath and I are both sending better health vibes your way, for sure...

And you are more than welcome to join the calendars next year. Consider yourself invited to both calendars [June & December].

And if you'd like, I can keep your slot for you in case you get something out. If not, it's totally kewl and we'll fill the slot...



celievamp December 3 2006, 10:59:51 UTC
I might be able to pick up the slack on one of the slots if I can finish off my BSG story for you today/tomorrow. I'll let you know for definite Tuesday.


ariestess December 3 2006, 19:23:29 UTC
Muchly appreciated! Let me know when you know...This slot's on NYE, just as an FYI...


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