National Poetry Month 2012 Masterlist

Apr 02, 2012 22:04

I should have put this up yesterday, but totally spaced it. Kind of like I'm not sure how yesterday's poem ended up private/my eyes only. *shrugs*

Anyway, here is the round-up masterlist of all the poems I'm writing for National Poetry Month 2012...
  1. "stag" [tetractys] :: DW // LJ
  2. "friends" [pleiades] :: DW // LJ
  3. "Beware" [nonet] :: DW // LJ
  4. "sun" [lanturne] :: DW // LJ
  5. "Thunder or Own" [blitz] :: DW // LJ
  6. "nothing" [tanaga] :: DW // LJ
  7. "dogs" [diatelle] :: DW // LJ
    "blood magic" [tetractys] :: DW
    "spring cleaning" [tetractys] :: LJ
    "sequel" [tetractys] :: LJ
    "blossom" [tetractys] :: LJ
  8. "vampire vs. zombie" [diamante] :: DW // LJ
  9. "tarot" [essence] :: DW // LJ
  10. "karma" [naani] :: DW // LJ
  11. "oceans" [cinquain] :: DW // LJ
  12. "love" [sedoka] :: DW // LJ
  13. "music" [senryu] :: DW // LJ
    Trio of Once Upon a Time-inspired poems [ottiva rima, epulaeryu, triolet] :: DW // LJ
  14. "jalapeno" [epulaeryu] :: DW // LJ
  15. "nature" [terza rima] :: DW // LJ
  16. "initiate" [kyrielle] :: DW // LJ
  17. "performance" [fibonacci] :: DW // LJ
  18. "crochet" [tanka] :: DW // LJ
  19. "arrival" [quatrain] :: DW // LJ
  20. "sprung" [haiku] :: DW // LJ
  21. "hindered" [septolet] :: DW // LJ
  22. "earth day" [acrostic] :: DW // LJ
  23. "late" [clarity pyramid] :: DW // LJ
  24. "countdown" [brevette] :: DW // LJ
  25. "purples" [loop poetry] :: DW // LJ
  26. "headaches" [joseph's star] :: DW // LJ
  27. "spring tableau" [the tableau] :: DW // LJ
  28. "home" [tyburn] :: DW // LJ
  29. "butterfly" [oddquain butterflies] :: DW // LJ
  30. "poetry" [etheree] :: DW // LJ

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

napowrimo, poems

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