ST:TNG FIC :: "Tha mo cridhe buin do Thu" [Beverly/Deanna, PG13]

Jun 24, 2011 21:45

Title: Tha mo cridhe buin do Thu
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Beverly/Deanna
Date Written: 23-24 June 2011
Word Count: 2934
Written for: multific's finish-it-ficathon 2011
Recipient: merfilly
Prompt: "The one where Beverly proposed to Deanna in front of Lwaxana"Summary: "Can I ask you ( Read more... )

fanfic :: tng, ficathons & challenges

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Comments 8

femme_slash_fan June 26 2011, 00:24:56 UTC
I love this. Wonderfully done as usual.


ariestess June 26 2011, 00:31:44 UTC
Thank you! I enjoyed writing it.


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ariestess June 26 2011, 00:35:59 UTC
Thank you! I had fun writing it, and I fell in love when I saw the ring.


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ariestess June 26 2011, 02:04:48 UTC
I'd wanted to go with silver or platinum for the ring, as those colors would look better with Deanna's coloring [and I don't much like gold personallyl], but I took shatterpath's advice that gold would be more of an heirloom...

I hope to write more for Bev and Deanna. They were my very first femslash pairing, and I just can't let go of them. Part of me is toying with the idea of possibly using this story in an AU where it was Bev assigned to Betazed instead of Will, and make the appropriate changes there [Bev would still marry Jack and have Wes, Jack would still die, etc]. No idea if I'll actually do it or not, but we'll see...


mayireadtoday June 26 2011, 00:44:48 UTC


ariestess June 26 2011, 00:57:07 UTC
Thank you!


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