PtL FIC :: "Cake" [Alex/Rachel, PG13]

Jun 29, 2009 19:15

Title: Cake
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Feedback address:
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Alex/Rachel
Date Written: 29 June 2009
Word Count: 315
Written for:
Prompt: June 2009, kitchen
Summary: Alex reflects on cake-making with Rachel and three small, hyperactive children.
Warnings: Loving, long-term lesbian relationship. Don't like it? Don't read it…
Archive: This is a ShatterStorm Productions exclusive piece. Contact the webmistress for archive options.
Link to:
Website: ShatterStorm Productions’ Doggie Duo’s Fanfic

Disclaimer: This story is an original work of amateur fiction, and is written purely for the private entertainment of P:TL fans. This story is no way affiliated with Trilogy, MGM Worldwide Television or the Sci-Fi Channel. The characters are their property, and this story is not meant to infringe upon the copyrights of MGM, Trilogy, or anybody else who owns an interest in "Poltergeist: the Legacy".

By A. Magiluna Stormwriter

From the personal journal of Alex Moreau

May 18, 2005

It was Dace's thirty-seventh birthday today.

Rose wanted to bake her "Kitty" a cake, and of course the twins had to help. I'm not sure how Rachel and I got talked into making this cake, but I think Kerry's on my shit list. I know she's on Rachel's.

Thankfully, Michel sat quietly in his Johnny Jump-Up, watching as we five girls destroyed our kitchen. Well, maybe destroyed is a bit strong of a word. There was certainly a great deal more flour and icing on the three little girls than on the cake itself. And because they were insistent that only Rachel help them, she was practically as coated in the stuff as they were.

There were several dark looks aimed at Katie and Sandy, which normally work quite well, but not today. The girls were just too excited to have this surprise for their Mama's birthday.

Once the cake was baked, frosted, and decorated, I managed to corral all three girls into the tub to clean up while Kat tackled the kitchen. Rachel waited very patiently for her turn at the shower and was pleasantly surprised when I joined her after getting the girls down for a nap.

I made very sure to show Rachel just how much I loved her for putting up with the twins' rambunctiousness, and rewarded her several times before the water began to turn cold on us. There were further rewards in bed, before we got a quick cat nap.

Dace was definitely surprised by the cake, and heaped her own appreciation on Rachel after hearing the stories of the cake's creation. I'm not sure I've ever seen Rachel blush quite that darkly before.

It made for a good day over all, and now I must be off to make it a very good night for my dear Rachel.

fanfic :: ptl, fanfic :: lwm

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