Title: Change of Heart
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Feedback address: stormwriter@shatterstorm.net
Date Written: 17-18 August 2008
Word Count: 205
Prompt: July 2008, lazy
Pairing: Alex/Rachel, Poltergeist: the Legacy
Rating: PG
Summary: Alex reflects on changes in her life since moving to Las Vegas.
Warnings: Loving, long-term lesbian relationship. Don't like it? Don't read it…
Archive: This is a ShatterStorm Productions exclusive piece. Contact the webmistress for archive options.
Link to:
http://bdkk.shatterstorm.net/Website: ShatterStorm Productions' Doggie Duo's Fanfic
Disclaimer: This story is an original work of amateur fiction, and is written purely for the private entertainment of P:TL fans. This story is no way affiliated with Trilogy, MGM Worldwide Television or the Sci-Fi Channel. The characters are their property, and this story is not meant to infringe upon the copyrights of MGM, Trilogy, or anybody else who owns an interest in "Poltergeist: the Legacy".
"Change of Heart"
by A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Las Vegas definitely agrees with Rachel. Despite the hustle and almost manic energy of the city, particularly along the Strip, I can feel her becoming more at ease the longer that we live here.
Maybe it's Dace's influence. The tensions are still there, but thankfully the animosity's intensity has diminished. That would be Katie and Sandy's doing. Not that I'm complaining.
With the loss of animosity, there's been a definite change in Rachel's interactions with everyone at the ranch, particularly those of us in her immediate family. She's become far more relaxed and affectionate. I've seen this look on Kat's face when Rachel gets like this, and I presume she's remembering a time before Patrick and Connor died. I've heard enough of the stories of their lives before the Legacy to know that this new trend in how Rachel behaves really isn't as new as one might think.
"Penny for them?" Her husky tone is punctuated by a gentle nipto my earlobe, and I can feel her fingers tracing random patterns on my belly.
"I love you," I reply, shifting to capture her lips in a slow, easy kiss.
"I love you, too. What did I do to deserve that?"
"You're giving Vegas a chance."