I don't know why, but the part about the picture of the kid (and Sebastion making the same face) is seriously creeping me out. I just have this awful image in my head.
I have no idea what it means but I hate those kid doom dreams. I had one once about finding my kids dead in the back of a white car and then last summer when I was at Joe and Tim's birthday party, there was that scare over the white car that was really there to take them to vacation bible school. Totally sucks!
Tis the season for F'ed up dreams? I had a dream last night that I was in line for, what seemed to be, high school lunch. And when I finally got up to where the food was being served with my little green tray, I saw what was on the menu. It was a face, thinnly sliced,, from the ears to the nose. It was quite freaky and gross at the same time, yet in the dream it didn't bother me at all. I just decided that I wasn't in the mood for face. When I woke up though, I was grossed out. Ick.
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