Has anyone else read this book and what did you think? I got it about a week ago (and read it straightaway) after it was brought to my attention on dA. There is a bit where Belle reads to the teacups and I’m all for more attention to the neglected cup children. "Storytime" in
As Old as Time starts on page 342 and ends at the bottom of page 346.
pp. 87-88
The teapot was very calmly pouring her insides into the cup. She spoke as she did so, sounding a little gurgly.
"Slowly now - don't spill..."
The little teacup had a chip in it, Belle noted absently, as it hopped over to where she sat on the floor. It waited patiently, its - head? - titled up toward her.
Dazed, Belle put out her hand and carefully lifted the teacup, one pinky extended like she had always practiced after reading a book on fancy etiquette. Where she touched the cup it was hard, smooth, warm from the tea, and utterly immobile. Solid porcelain. How did it move?
"Wanna see me do a trick?" the cup asked, shifting in her grasp.
Belle almost dropped it. The thing had no face at all buit the voice sounded so real, so full of life. Like a little boy or girl. And the pottery still felt hard under her fingers; it wasn't pliable at all.
reblog this post on tumblr The cup shivered. Bubbles began to come up through the tea. They nearly overran the rim.
"Chip!" the teapot chastised.
The teacup shivered again and Belle could have sworn she heard it giggle.
Feeling strange about it but not seeing that she had much of a choice, Belle took a littl sip. It was excellent tea, black and fresh and strong, with just enough sugar. Very restorative.
"That was a very brave thing you did back there, "the teapot said confidentally, "Trading yourself for your father. We all think so."
Belle blinked, trying to focus on what the teapot was saying rather than the fact that it spoke at all. The cup felt strange in her hand and hung there, still mostly full.
"Cheer up, child. It'll will all turn out all right in the end. You'll see," the teapot said sympathetically. Then she jumped, steam coming out of her spout. "Look at me jabbering on, when there's supper to get on the table - for the first time in I don't know how long!"
pp. 275
Belle wondered who babysat the baby cups during the dinner party. A nursemaid pitcher?
pp. 343
On the table nearby, the little teacups were gently breathing and snoring, moving very little. It was ridiculously adorable - Belle didn't think she had ever seen something so sweet and strange.
pp. 345
The little cups, finally disturbed by the noise the grown-ups were making around them, began to push off each other and roll and smack whatever passed for their lips. It was like watching a cuddle of baby kittens or chicks stir awake.
...They hopped to the edge of the table and single-file, like little ducklings, hopped down...
pp. 346
"They're delightful," Belle said, sighing. "I wish I had a dozen of them at home."
"Children?" the beast said, eyes wide and eyebrows high.
"Talking teacups."
I think I have all of the baby teacup quotes from this book now. I'm glad that Liz Braswell didn't change the first scene too much - the one where Belle meets Mrs. Potts and Chip.
My last full day of 470 icons.
Tomorrow my 3 packages of icons expire at 11am LJ time, or 12 pm my time. It's been super fun, and I like to think I've made the most of my icon time, while I've had it. :)