Title: Sleepers Awake: an epilogue for the end of days.
Rating: gen, pg-13.
Word count: ~6K
Spoilers: for ALL aired episodes of Merlin and Supernatural. And Arthurian legend.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit.
Summary: When Arthur left the cave, alive again after so many centuries, the first thing he saw was an angel.a/n: a sequel to or time-stamp
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Comments 46
You had so much fun with this - the Imapala and Arthur's car sickness, TV, the motorbike, yet you also did so well with the weightier themes - I love how you were able to show but glance off all the tragedies and hurts the Winchester boys have been through by keeping it all in Arthur's POV.
A great read, and just the epilogue we were all looking for.
Well, TBfK was so resolutely un-angsty, I felt a little bad about the angst level in this...but I did want to tackle S5 SPN....
I'm so glad you enjoyed this--thanks again for all your help, it made a huge difference!
Thanks so much, again, for the motivation!
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I think that's my wish fulfillment moment--giving Dean some help and compassion for the new role he's expected to play--so I'm glad it worked!
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