Title: “A Little Bit of Mother Nature’s Magic”
ariadnechanRating: G.
Fandom: Sherlock ACD/ Granada
Characters: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson.
Summary: When Watson was in the Afghan wars he learns a lot not only from his superior surgeon Alexander Preston, but from the Arabian people.
Warnings: As I’m not native I’m not really good in using
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Comments 5
que bien!
claro que yerba buena es otro tipo de Hierba de las que use en la historia.
Mi abuelita me llevaba al jardin de niña y me explicaba para que servia cada cosa, a reconocerlas y como usarlas. No sabia de todo, pero lo que sabia me lo enseño, lo mismo mi suegra. :D
Fue interesante estudiar sobre hierbas medicinales en Afghanistan y Gran Bretaña!
If you really not talk too much in Spanish or for everyone else benefit!
off course they are good, even if Yerba buena is really another herb, different of the ones used here.
My granny always took me to the garden when i was little to teach me about herbs, to recognize them, and how to use them. She didn't know them all, but she taught me what she knew, my mother in law did the same. :D
it was very interesting to know about Afghanistan and British medicinal herbs.
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