
Mar 20, 2007 15:17

30 Phantom Of The Opera 2004 movie
22 Emmy Rossum
23 Supernatural
11 Grey's Anatomy/Katherine Heigl
01 POTO header
01 Emmy Rossum header + friends only banner
01 Katherine Heigl header + friends only banner


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jensen ackles, grey's anatomy, phantom of the opera, jared padalecki, katherine heigl, headers, supernatural, f/o banners, jeffrey dean morgan, emmy rossum

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Comments 138

mlledefer March 20 2007, 14:29:52 UTC
How on earth are you making them so beautiful?:):)

great, great colors!:) bravO:)


cila81 March 20 2007, 14:49:50 UTC
Aww you're so sweet! Thank you my dear :D


iluvpoto March 20 2007, 14:33:37 UTC
I really must get off LJ...lol anyway's LOVE! you know I'm taking and many indeed :D


cila81 March 20 2007, 14:50:46 UTC
Lol I know the feeling! Thanks hon, that means a lot :D


stardust78 March 20 2007, 14:39:05 UTC
I really like the Supernatural icons! I took 1,2 and 5. I will give you credit. :)


cila81 March 20 2007, 14:51:51 UTC
Thank you! This is my first try on Supernatural icons, so I'm glad you like them :)


stardust78 March 20 2007, 15:58:38 UTC
Your welcome! :)


nuin_giliath March 20 2007, 14:55:59 UTC
Wow - these are lovely. I especially like the coloring/textures used for the PotO/Emmy sets. I don't know if you do tutorials, but I would love to see one for the headers. :)


cila81 March 20 2007, 15:41:40 UTC
Thank you so much! I haven't done any tutorials yet, but I've been asked a lot, so we'll see :)


dicktracie March 20 2007, 15:15:26 UTC
Taking the Kate Heigl header!


cila81 March 20 2007, 15:42:13 UTC
Thanks! Enjoy :D


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