Creeped Out! and A POLL

Feb 22, 2008 17:22

So I am watching a lot of Dexter (about a serial killer who works for the Miami Police) lately, in view of writing a spec script of it, and the opening credit sequence creeps me out to the point where I just have to fast forward it. If you've seen it you know it's just Dexter getting ready in the morning--shaving, flossing, and making breakfast -- ( Read more... )

poll, writing

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Comments 17

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argosy February 26 2008, 01:28:46 UTC
The show of Dexter is great. The opening is too squirmy for me, but also great. :)

Watership Down, fo' sure! I'll be in touch w/you to bounce some story ideas around soon. :D


bibliokat February 23 2008, 01:52:43 UTC
OMG I can't take it! You're right, I had to pause halfway through the credits and then you mentioned oranges and I had to watch again. TIL THEN OMG! That is seriously disturbing. Good job, opening credits designers!

It has been a long time since I've read Watership Down but I remember loving it and will have to read it again sometime (hopefully soon). Though I love Brian Jacques' Redwall series more ♥.


argosy February 26 2008, 01:29:52 UTC
I know! It's too freaky. The show is not nearly as bad. ;D

I'm not familiar with Redwall. Is it animals as well?


bibliokat February 26 2008, 02:40:48 UTC
Redwall is animals, but different from Watership Down. The animals talk and basically have epic battles for good vs. evil. The badgers, hares, otters, mice, moles, etc. are the "good" guys and the rats, foxes, weasels, ferrets, etc. are the bad. Most of the books (especially the first ones) center around the characters who live at Redwall Abbey. The characters change from book to book usually with a few descendants carrying on.

The writing is incredibly powerful, though I haven't read them lately (behind!!!) and I started in elementary school or junior high. I do have one copy SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR. And he's *awesome* in person.

If you want to try them, start with Martin the Warrior. *headdesk* I can't wait til summer break when I'll have time to read them again! I'm, like, 4 books behind!


equusentric February 23 2008, 01:55:17 UTC
I always skip the opening sequence, because it kind of squicks me out. :P

\o/ WATERSHIP DOWN \o/ Plz tell me you're gonna write that McShep AU!


argosy February 26 2008, 01:30:56 UTC
ell, I'm rereading the book. And I'm not doing homework and then not writing it. :) Gonna be a while though.

Nice icon!


futuresoon February 23 2008, 03:11:13 UTC
But the opening sequence is always my favorite part! It's so stylish, and the music...


argosy February 26 2008, 01:31:37 UTC
It's really well done, it just makes me squirm uncontrollably. But I'm sure that's what they were after. ;D


poodlerat February 23 2008, 04:15:21 UTC
I love Dexter! This may be the one and only time I'll ever say this, but the TV show is way better than the books.

And you're right about the credits---my roommate and I always skip through them. Ugh. Memorable, though!


argosy February 26 2008, 01:32:57 UTC
I love Dexter, too. I've never read the books, though I heard some people were disappointed that the 2nd season didn't stick with the novels.


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