NEW FIC: Thirteen Months (Lupin/Snape)

Jan 09, 2007 14:52

New fic, everyone! How long has it been? My entry for the Snupin Santa exchange. Here I enter the shadowy world of slash...

Title: Thirteen Months
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: This is a light NC-17, but there be smut.
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Summary: The Wizarding World has forgiven Snape, but Snape hasn’t forgiven the Wizarding World. And gardening.
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fic, snupin, hp

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Comments 40

elektrik_storm January 9 2007, 23:17:32 UTC
i cannot express how incredible that was... absolutely amazing! *sigh* beautiful


argosy January 10 2007, 07:54:20 UTC
Aww, thank you. :) Get your friend kendas over here to read it! *g*


elektrik_storm January 10 2007, 17:03:35 UTC
i would! i would! she is so unbelievably busy with her house and work though! rather her than me! it is too scary to contemplate!

i love your background as well! :)


poodlerat January 9 2007, 23:56:39 UTC
So, so satisfying. It's official - you can definitely write slash. :)

Severus's thoughts were funny, especially: "Lupin could not keep him out of his own house, no matter how much disgusting sympathy and camaraderie he was prepared to offer."

Hee hee.


argosy January 10 2007, 07:56:01 UTC
Well, I loves me some slash, so having read so much I should be able to write it. :)

I'm really happy you liked this story, and I'm thrilled to see you being more of a presence on LJ. *hugs*


poodlerat January 10 2007, 08:10:08 UTC
Thanks! *hugs back*


sapphiretragedy January 10 2007, 00:43:25 UTC
That was perfect. I love your Severus. I love this line: He’d train them right for a change. Merlin knew what Minerva had been doing with them; they were probably having inter-House picnics and sensitivity training , particularly. Perfect. Thanks for sharing.


argosy January 10 2007, 07:57:05 UTC
Your very welcome and thanks for reading. Severus is just too much fun not to play with every once in a while. :D


harmony_bites January 10 2007, 09:39:16 UTC
Awww, loved reading this again. Sweet but not too sweet (I mean Snape after all) imaginative and funny.


argosy January 12 2007, 05:11:20 UTC
Thank you, doll and thanks again for the superbeta!

I am actually quite pleased with this, but I hope it gets read. Judging solely by the number of comments at Snupin Santa, it was one of the more popular stories, which is nice, but I don't think my flist is into the slash. *pouts*

But thank you! Now to archive...


vivnow January 12 2007, 23:36:48 UTC
God, Shelley. Is there anything you cannot write? This was really well written. It was very touching.


argosy January 13 2007, 00:21:33 UTC
I hope there's nothing I can't write since I'm trying to get people to pay me for doing so. :D



vivnow January 13 2007, 02:23:04 UTC
Just remember the little people when you make it big. :)


argosy January 13 2007, 02:54:14 UTC
I don't remember the little people now. :)


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