Argosy Finally Gets the Recognition She Deserves

Jun 04, 2006 19:46

At last, I'm popular.

Two of my D/Hr stories have just become featured stories at two very lovely sites. The Petulant Poetess is featuring As Sharp As Any Thorn, and Pureblood is featuring Where the Magic IsI know nearly everyone on my f-list arrived via these two stories, so I want to take a moment to thank you guys for your reading and your ( Read more... )


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Comments 24

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argosy June 5 2006, 03:23:06 UTC
Thank you, sweetie! That means a lot to me, coming from you.


chavelaprincess June 5 2006, 04:21:20 UTC
I saw that today!

I am really happy for you! Great job, hun!


argosy June 5 2006, 04:25:39 UTC
Thanks, honey. You are one of the great people I've met from these stories!


chavelaprincess June 5 2006, 04:32:34 UTC
Aww, super great hun! Thanks!

Your a great, I am glad to call you a friend!


lilycat81 June 5 2006, 06:02:34 UTC
Hahahaha!!!! I love the title of this post. You are just too lovable. :D

I couldn't be happier that I found you. I whimper in happiness every time I think about your writing.


argosy June 5 2006, 06:40:40 UTC
I love the title of this post. You are just too lovable. :D

(Or I could be completely serious.)

I couldn't be happier that I found you. I whimper in happiness every time I think about your writing.

Aww... thanks. Now you're making me all aw-shucks blushy. :D


lilycat81 June 5 2006, 15:40:33 UTC
(Or I could be completely serious.)

Ha! Now see - that's the beauty. I'd be just as enamored if that were the case - perhaps more. :D



argosy June 5 2006, 17:14:12 UTC
I'd be just as enamored if that were the case - perhaps more.

Ah, so that's how it is, is it? (I wish I had some good bondage icons.)

These icons I have been using wre from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends" which is a children's show I am OBSSESED with. Three-quarters of my icons are from there. Look at Bloo. Love him. :)


harmony_bites June 5 2006, 07:16:31 UTC
It was "Where the Magic Is" for me--and you know, I'm not sure you're aware of this--but "Of Dark and Bright" is featured right now on OWL. So you're three for three. LOL. Much deserved hon!


argosy June 5 2006, 07:22:02 UTC
For reals? I rock! **runs to check**


bambu345 June 5 2006, 15:09:42 UTC
Congratulations! Having read all three stories (and by tonight the little tidbit you sent me,) They're all well deserved accolades!


argosy June 5 2006, 16:50:18 UTC
Thanks, hun! You were the first friend "As Sharp As Any thorn" brought me. :D So the little story is doing good work!!!

<3 <3 (I wish I knew how to make those cute hearts everyone does. Do you know how?)

Oh, that tidbit I sent you? See, I was in a weird mood one day...


bambu345 June 5 2006, 20:49:48 UTC
It's a lovely little story for so many reasons, most of which I've gushed at you before, and I was so happy to hunt you up and friend you. I'd forgotten I was your first friend on lj. How cool is that. Someday I can say 'I knew her when..."

I have no idea about the little hearts, though I'll figure it out one of these days.

Your little tidbit was a bit of a brush with darkness, but was probably a good little excercise. At least I know you'll understand when I play a little on the dark side!


argosy June 5 2006, 21:53:30 UTC
Oh, I'm all about the dark side. I barely even have a light side. :)


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