Look what I made! And a poll!

Feb 19, 2010 11:15

It took months to make! Months, I tell you! Can you see the pics okay?

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life of argosy

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Comments 11

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argosy February 20 2010, 07:17:22 UTC
Aw, thanks! I'm just glad to have finished it!


chavelaprincess February 19 2010, 20:27:24 UTC

OMG! I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL! I've never bought one, because I could never find the right one. LOL!

Yeah. Next time you have free time on your hands, I WANT ONE!


argosy February 20 2010, 07:20:05 UTC
Heh, we'll see. I'm just starting on a blanket for my nephew who has been asking for one for a year, so I don't anticipate much free time!


mercury973 February 19 2010, 20:57:25 UTC
Very cool. I've never gone beyond scarfs, myself.


argosy February 20 2010, 07:20:29 UTC
Well, a shawl is just a giant scarf... :D


busaikko February 19 2010, 22:59:19 UTC
That is absolutely gorgeous. You are so talented! And your friend is a lucky, lucky woman.


argosy February 20 2010, 07:21:30 UTC
Aw, thanks. This was one of the more um, involving patterns I've ever used, so I'm just glad it's done!


pollitt February 20 2010, 04:50:59 UTC
Oooooooooh. I have yarn that I am DYING to make into a shawl (once I'm done with all of my other knitting projects) and I am always happily envious of people who've made pretty shawls. Very inspiring!


argosy February 20 2010, 07:22:40 UTC
Pretty icon! I'm glad I could give some inspiration. If you make a shawl, I'd definitely like to see!


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