NEW FIC TAKE TWO. or How Much Do I Hate coding?--Sooo much.

Apr 30, 2009 10:13

Okay! Turns out I was right to be extra nervous about posting the new story, becvause I managed to mess up the code. So let's try this again.


I have mcsmooched! Go read!!

Here are the details:

Title: Rodney's Emo Cat
Author: argosy
Pairiing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG
Summary: Pet ownership is a serious responsibility.
Words: ~3700
Notes: "hyperfocusedRead more... )

fic, mckay/sheppard, sga

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Comments 5

equusentric April 30 2009, 17:30:39 UTC
I don't know what happened to the formatting, because when I read it, it looked fine. LJ is weird, yo.

And your story is still delightful. ♥


argosy April 30 2009, 18:00:58 UTC
Thanks! I don't even know about the code. Life is out to get me today. :(


equusentric April 30 2009, 18:02:03 UTC
It's Thursday. They're out to get everybody.


zoombinilover April 30 2009, 23:12:43 UTC
Do you have links to your Harry Potter fics? I had them saved, but my computer died back in September . . .


argosy May 1 2009, 03:44:24 UTC
I have a masterlist HERE with everything on it. :) (Except for some drabbles that I keep meaning to organize. If there's a particular drabble you remember that you can't find, Let me know.)


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