Daily Happiness , Day 1-Smoochies!

Apr 09, 2009 19:10

So I was sort of MIA this weekend and missed the start of the happiness meme. So as in life, I am just a few days behind everyone else. But I was tagged by aesc and I want to start posting more--so why not start with small things that make me happy?


1. Post about something that made you happy today, even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this every day for eight days.
3. Tag eight of your friends to do the same.

Day One: I recently bought myself a used (but really new! and cheap!) copy of one of my very favorite movies on DVD, David Lean's 1970 romantic epic, Ryan's Daughter. One of the reasons it's a favorite for me is because of things like this:

But let's face it, the real reason I love this movie so much is because it contains my favorite screen kiss of all time. I mean, come on:

So yeah, that, um, works for me. I already owned Ryan's Daughter on VHS, but I couldn't resist the special features on DVD, and I had a vague thought of trying to make icons (or getting some lovely person to make icons for me...)

So what's your favorite screen kiss?

If you're not already doing it, (and only if you'd *like* to), I tag elspethsheir, busaikko, chanteur_dombre, horridporrid, astridv, fiordeligi, sgamadison, and aurora_84!

meme, eight days of happiness

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