Gifts--Giving and Getting

Jan 02, 2009 11:36

The sga_santa reveals went up yesterday, so I can tell you that the story I wrote was:

Five Stories Jeannie Miller Tells (to Madison Miller and Evelyn Sheppard-McKay, and One Story That Isn't Hers to Tell)

...which is a mouthful of a title.

Summary: She hopes they will tell all the stories of Atlantis.
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~4200 ( Read more... )

fic, mckay/sheppard, sga

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Comments 6

darsynia January 2 2009, 20:54:25 UTC
Hee! I can't remember if I reviewed your story, but I loved it :) it's so unexpected and sweet and owie in all sorts of good ways! ♥

Thanks again for the rec(s)! I thought I was being so clever responding to your first post (cause I figured it'd look like I hadn't written it if I commented, lol), but you guessed anyway ;) I'm so glad you liked the story; it was a great request and I had a blast! ♥!


argosy January 3 2009, 03:32:09 UTC
I'm so glad you had fun writing it, I really enjoyed it. Normally I don't care too much about the story I'm *receiving* when I sign up to do a fic exchange, but this year the sign-up came at an extremely difficult and sad time, and I was like, "I want a Rodney/Jennifer fic, dammit." It was a big reason why I went ahead and signed up at all. So thank you *so* much for delivering everything I wanted. It really meant a lot personally this time around. *gives you big hugs*


darkmoore January 2 2009, 23:51:26 UTC
I reviewed your story on sga_santa and I'll do so here, again. You really made me cry with this story and I kinda hope that you will one day give us more stories and tell us what happened to them. And I'd like to see Evelyn grow up...

Well done! You really had me there for a moment and I was convinced you had killed them. The thought alone to know you're going to die and you have to leave your child behind... I don't want to imagine it. My daughter is just ten months old...

You broke my heart with this story. It hurts in all the right ways to read it.

Sequel please???


argosy January 3 2009, 03:44:16 UTC
Hee, your review at sga_santa made me grin because of the whole warning/non-warning issue. I believe in warnings for deathfics, but I also see the point in not wanting to spoil a story. Still as a courtesy (and it's I courtesy *I* would want from others too) I will definitely warn for deathfic when and if I ever write it. I did try to give a hint in the header when I said that villainny requested a "happy ending," but I know those kinds of notes are easy to overlook.

Anyway, thank you so much for letting me know you liked the story. I don't have plans for a sequel, but then I am just now planning my very first sequel ever for another fic, which is something I didn't think I'd ever do, so I don't want to say a definitive no.


aurora_84 January 4 2009, 23:47:29 UTC
Oh man, this story is fantastic! I really believed Rodney and John were actually dead and felt really sad, but then you brought them back and I may or may not have teared up a bit. *hearts you and them* (Sorry it took me so long to read it, exam preparation has been kicking my ass in a serious way.)


argosy January 6 2009, 07:14:40 UTC
Don't worry about taking time to read it. I'm so glad you liked it, yay. ♥


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