New SGA Fic: Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship (McKay/Keller, McKay/Sheppard)

Dec 05, 2008 06:24

Title: Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship
Author: argosy
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): McKay/Keller, McKay/Sheppard
Word Count: 2750
Summary: When Rodney and Jennifer break up, John really wants to be there for his friend.
Spoilers/Warnings: This was begun before 5x16, "Brain Storm," so no specific spoilers, but can be seen as generally ( Read more... )

fic, mckay/sheppard, mckay/keller, sga

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Comments 138

sheafrotherdon December 5 2008, 14:55:11 UTC
Oh, this is lovely! You do everyone such justice - no one's a bad guy, and there's real affection in John's awkward, clueless fumbling to see Rodney happy, and oh, oh, what a wonderful ending! Meeeeeep! *squishes fic*!


Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship argosy December 6 2008, 01:38:32 UTC
Thanks, I'm so glad you liked it! I really wanted to be fair to everybody--I like them all. *g*


elizaria December 5 2008, 14:57:22 UTC
Oh, that was sweet in that awkward way John has. I like what you did with McKay/Keller because it didn't villify anyone. Also that John was upset with himself from missing his chance before Keller, yet he saw her as good for McKay even if he was jelaous - it made it feel more canon somehow.

I enjoyed this :)


Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship argosy December 6 2008, 01:40:25 UTC
Thank you so much! I think McKeller can easily slot into canon, and still leave us room for McShep, if we want. :)


debris_k December 5 2008, 15:05:16 UTC
ZOMG boys! So clueless yet so pretty when they flail about witless about their own feelings. I think I hurt something trying not to laugh out loud - great job!


Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship argosy December 6 2008, 01:41:43 UTC
It's okay to laugh out loud. *g* Thank yu!


Re: Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship debris_k December 6 2008, 13:25:34 UTC
(Not at the workplace it isn't. Or, well, not if I don't want folks to be giving me more funny looks than usual. ;-) )


ladyoflisquill December 5 2008, 15:18:05 UTC
This was wonderful. I love John's tone and POV. And you write Rodney/Keller beautifully and honestly with a huge helping of angst for John. I've rarely seen their relationship written so positively and you know what, both Rodney and Keller deserve it, she really does, and I'm glad that John sees it that way too.

"My girlfriend's just run away to another galaxy. I think I deserve a moral vacation. Comfort away."

This whole scene was, again, wonderful. My heart both broke and cheered when Rodney walked out.

"There's a suspension bridge halfway through you should take a good look at."

Smooth, Rodney... just smooth.


Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship argosy December 6 2008, 01:45:07 UTC
I do think Rodney and Jennifer deserve it, and I wanted to write something happy for them, while still keeping the McShep. Thank you for your lovely comments; I'm so glad you liked it. And I *love* your icon.


erda_3 December 5 2008, 15:25:47 UTC
That was lovely, and sweet, and made me smile.

Hee, powdery orange kisses! I want some of those.


Unexpected Hazards of the Best Friend Relationship argosy December 6 2008, 01:47:09 UTC
Cheetos kisses! Thanks, I'm so glad you liked it!


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