PCon workshops

Feb 19, 2008 22:56

Wow, I am totally word-dumping on PantheaCon. I think I'm going to have to split into several posts. Alakazam!

Seeking the Center )

witchcraft, orion foxwood, insight, pantheacon, rj stewart, pagan, spirituality

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Comments 4

eldriwolf February 20 2008, 17:30:25 UTC
>>I keep hoping for a "charge" of being in the middle of a wash of song from many throats, which is an image that greatly appeals to me (one of those "I swear I have a memory on the subject tucked away somewhere" things), <<<

***Been There! It does not take many voices, nor rehearsal---though the right setting is a plus---get a few friends and *play*---Sometimes we started with a song or chant we all knew

---best time, a river in the desert, all women, rocky walls and water to reflect the sound--
--went on for more than an hour.(maybe two or three, I really couldn't tell you)
Different songs, some more powerful than others, the weak ones faded fast; the strong ones swelled, changed, continued, grew,---then faded
(couple of shape-note songs in there)
sometimes we were In the water, sometimes sitting on the banks-
-rocks or sand, sun or shade, mugwort and other herbs about.
lots of eye contact, hugs if we wanted (and talking, about stuff we cared about)


heartssdesire February 20 2008, 18:01:01 UTC
Most powerful concept for me, which has harmonic resonance with the human-faery-animal alliance material RJ Stewart teaches: a "human being" (in the sense of a person standing in front of you) is not just that alone, but a group or association of beings of various spiritual races with a mutual agreement to fulfill some soul purpose. That rings very true for me too. I've been doing a lot of work around the triple soul stuff lately (partly to prep for this con) and the more I work it the more I find it weaves closer and closer to RJ Stewart's approach. The human being as a microcosm of the three worlds - underworld/Faery/Fetch, middle world/human/Talker, heaven world/divine/Godsoul. It doesn't actually surprise me at all that you would find this embedded in Foxwood either. Another Feri lady I was talking over the weekend mentioned to me that in one of Orion's workshops he did a blessing thing, which turns out to be a nearly mirror-exact version of a Feri water blessing we do in Vanthe line, except ours begins at the feet and ends at the ( ... )


arethinn February 20 2008, 19:45:52 UTC
It doesn't actually surprise me at all that you would find this embedded in Foxwood either.

I would probably be more surprised if it weren't. Like you, I find that Faery/Underworld, Faery Seership, and Feri all have a lot of threads in common, like they are tapestries woven with different weft on the same warp.

Ramble ramble. I've just noticed how long this is getting so I'll stop. You can tell I'm fired up about this, eh?

Hey, it's okay! The things we can talk the most about and pull out the most details the longer we go on are the things seated most deeply inside us. ("What do you worship with your thoughts?")


heartssdesire February 27 2008, 21:00:21 UTC
I was reminded of this conversation again yesterday; I was reading through some notes I had from one of Orion's presentations last year and ran across a tidbit that I had somehow forgotten about: He talked about the threefold nature of our souls, being made of parts that live in all three worlds, and he called them "Dream Walker, Surface Walker, and Star Walker". I'm now remembering how deeply that struck me at the time, and when I reread it I got the big chills again.

It's funny, I didn't make it to any of his presentations this year, but I'm really working through a lot of related stuff right now so this is all catching my attention a lot. I've been getting some stuff that gives me a new perspective on the notion of being othersouled or having a Faery soul in a human body.


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